Once the lobbyist have their way with him nothing will change
Once the lobbyist have their way with him nothing will change
When the pendulum swings, it will be crushing.
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America sent every company possible to China for lower costs. This is the result. Not a big surprise
Lmaoo are you serious? Nothing has happened nation wide,. Turns out people like their shitty jobs over murder.and prison. The rule of law did not evaporate.
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It’s the first time I’ve ever spoke about China, in an entire year
Every single day there are these concern troll posts about China. We get it, I agree, most people do, we all think China bad. Edit: lol the downvotes
This post isn’t about isr4el so they don’t brigade the bot.
Some people will stick their head in the sand no matter how much logic or evidence is presented to them. When religion, or anything really, becomes a part of someone’s identity it is almost impossible to change. Similar to anti-vaccine nutters it has to do with ego and pride. These people can not admit to themselves they were fooled.
I feel the main reason is corporate entry into the market. Foreign and domestic. The ROI is larger on real estate than any other investment.
That’s why they’re loading us up with trilllions in debt before they leave.
Belief is separate from fact.
I agree with you
People should absolutely be free to practice any religion they want in the US.
No, Scientol0gy is criminal
People shouldn’t be able to shove religion in your face or the opposite of athiests trying to shove non-religion in everyone’s face.
No, The majority of atheists I am aware of keep it to themselves. The majority or Christians try to convert everyone they meet.
A true athiest is just as “delusional” as a true religious person. Both believe their idea is right on “beliefs.” No proof God or gods exist or not.
No, you’re speaking as a believer. A god would need to be proven first in order to be disproven.
Most “athiests” are agnostic athiests, not gnostic athiest.
Here we go telling people what to think again.
World would be a better place if “athiests” went more by agnostics.
Saying you agree there is a possibility of a god or not and denying the existence wholeheartedly are two different things.
Saying you’re athiest to a religious person is saying “I know your religion is wrong”. Saying you’re agnostic to a religious person is saying “I don’t know, but I don’t necessarily agree with you.”
There is currently no way to know. That is a fact, a hard truth. Thinking you have a way to know one way or the other is “crazy”
You can’t prove a negative, that’s a fact. Therein lies the fundamental flaw with theists, belief and opinion are not equal to facts.
The simple truth you cannot accept is understanding fact from fiction.
I answered a simple question with a simple answer. You proved the point better than I ever could have. Now tell us how to think and talk again.
Taking the position gay/trans people shouldn’t exist is abhorrent.
You’d be falling victim to the outgroup homogeneity bias where you perceive individuals separate from your in-group as being alike and less diverse than yours. Just because you see many delusional participants does not mean all participants are equally as delusional.
The thing is, the second you let in a Nazi, it becomes a Nazi bar.
Also, yes we all know how indoctrination works.
11 million people to be transported in a day ok syds