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Cease&desist every casino would be a good first step. Casinos are well outside the original intended purpose and if the ToS don’t prohibit their existence that can easily be changed. Valve doesn’t owe anyone the right to gamble their items, especially not with the weird third party escrow system that casinos use IIRC.
But if we’re touching on the subject then we need to reopen the contentious subject of the lootboxes themselves, which are gambling. Which Valve (and the video game industry) has an enormous stake in. To fix that whole mess, I expect a government crackdown will be required.
Cease&desist every casino would be a good first step. Casinos are well outside the original intended purpose and if the ToS don’t prohibit their existence that can easily be changed. Valve doesn’t owe anyone the right to gamble their items, especially not with the weird third party escrow system that casinos use IIRC.
But if we’re touching on the subject then we need to reopen the contentious subject of the lootboxes themselves, which are gambling. Which Valve (and the video game industry) has an enormous stake in. To fix that whole mess, I expect a government crackdown will be required.