Probably for me it’s going to be:
Cigarettes after sex: “Apocalypse”
Bob Sinclar: “world hold on”
Numb by Linkin Park
A Place For My Head by Linkin Park. Not all the time, but when it’s bad it’s bad.
Great song, honestly I like the Tommy profitt version of “in the end” as well
Bo Burnham - That Funny Feeling
Sum 41 Pieces
Gambino - Lithonia
Seatbelts - Gotta Knock a Little Harder
I like the question.
I had to think of two songs immediately:
Coldplay - Magic. I really feel the lyrics but the “of course I do” at the end always leaves me in tears.
Daft Punk - Touch. I always interpret the song as a robot struggling to become sentient, but it also reminds me of my process of leaving behind my angry and frustrated teen and early twenties self because I realized that it made me unhappy.
I second Touch! Though just with my own experience I project some level of transness onto the robot. Sort of this feeling, or moment, of finally becoming “living” and knowing what human contact and connection feels like, but struggling to find it.
Fuck The World by ICP, specifically the Richard Cheese cover - Fuck The World
probably lemon tree by fools garden
I wonder how and I wonder why.
Gojira: L’enfant Sauvage
The drum in that is wild
Falling In Reverse & Jellyroll - All My Life,
Fox Stevenson - Don’t Care Crown,
Quinn XCII - Tough
“”" And I know you’re going crazy
And I know you’re going broke
And you’re sitting here and laughing like that’s some kind of joke, but I’m not laughing
And I want you to be careful
And I want you to be smart
I don’t want you to romanticize falling the fuck apart
And I want you to remember that you’re better
And I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow “”"
One of the more powerful supportive songs I know.
“The tears I might have shed for your dark fate grow cold and turn to tears of hate.”
From The Phantom of the Opera, after being cheated on and physically abused by my ex. He’s a widower and used it as an excuse for his behavior.
Y’all ready for this by 2 Unlimited
Mah’s Joint - Jon Bellion
“When my mother was a mother to my mom”
Always brings me to tears
Product of my Own Design - Artio
“Get on your knees and pray to me
The problem child becomes the only God you’ll ever see
You made me believe that I was never mine
I made my goddamn self, a product of my own design”This song is fairly explicitly about being trans and struggling being seen as who you really are by family. It’s not really trying to be sad about it though, more empowering in spite of that struggle. Great song.
For those of you who don’t want to click the link their song of choice is:
(Bob Geldof - The Great Song Of Indifference)