Last week, some members of the #Kdenlive core team met in Amsterdam for a short sprint to plan some actions for this year. One of the highlights was a visit to the @Blender foundation. Thanks @fsiddi for receiving us.
This visit was possible thanks to @kde and our community donations.
As a longtime FLOSS enthusiast, you have no idea how much I love that posts like this are still being made when dev teams get together for a sprint.
I know none of these people, but I like that this kind of spirit (including the kind that posts photos about it) is still such a part of our community.
2nd from the left has style
@A_Union_of_Kobolds @kdenlive is he Ton Roosendaal?
Massimo Stella
@A_Union_of_Kobolds @kdenlive All of them really :)
@kdenlive @Blender @fsiddi It warms my heart every time I see #foss #opensource projects collaborate with each other:)
@kdenlive @Blender @fsiddi
make the projects compatible please!!
Honestly that would be so cool
That dark wave chap has so much style! I would use Kdenlive just because of that ;) (I use it anyway though)