Different senses of “free.” “Free software” refers to freedom, not price. “Freeware” refers to price, not freedom.
“Freeware” typically has the connotation of being proprietary but it doesn’t have to be. Most people call actual free software “free software,” “FOSS,” or “open source.” I think this is a side effect of proprietary being the assumed default.
There is a misunderstanding that “FOSS” means it is freeware and open source. You can see that misunderstanding even in this thread.
Different senses of “free.” “Free software” refers to freedom, not price. “Freeware” refers to price, not freedom.
“Freeware” typically has the connotation of being proprietary but it doesn’t have to be. Most people call actual free software “free software,” “FOSS,” or “open source.” I think this is a side effect of proprietary being the assumed default.
There is a misunderstanding that “FOSS” means it is freeware and open source. You can see that misunderstanding even in this thread.