Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
I first noticed Russian bots yahoo news comment section…
It was wierdest shot ever than it became mainstream and a lot more sophisticated
How do you tell that they are Russian?
Russian propaganda talking points although nowadays half of america is doing the same and rjeu are deff not bots or paid shills. Just useful idiots.
Back then it was not like that
What? Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Yeah, your comment wasn’t a reply to that.
on reddit its usually framed in a way “western countries, you are the blame for this and that,etc” or they said they are not “native speakers” which is the biggest telltale. also posting certain articles from questionable sources.
also on politic sub ive seen them collapse or filter out comments that arnt even trolly or spamming, it agrees with everyone on that thread, but the “russian trolls are not deleted”