Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich urged a global boycott of U.S. travel to protest Trump’s policies, warning his administration is “brutally attacking U.S. democracy.”
In a Guardian op-ed, Reich called on foreign visitors, students, and skilled workers to reconsider coming, citing economic and safety concerns. He argued withholding tourism revenue could pressure Trump.
His plea follows Trump’s anti-immigration crackdown and rising tensions with Canada.
Reich’s call comes as Canadian travel to the U.S. has already shown signs of decline.
I’ll never be visiting the USA ever again.
I’m trans. I’m not risking going to a country where a third of the population actively wants me dead and the other two thirds don’t seem to care either way. That country’s rotten to the core.
I care. Granted I’m just one American and I’m not in a position of power, but the blatant bigotry being pushed by some of us is shameful and makes me very angry.
I can understand your point of not wanting to travel to the US and you’re correct that there is a high number of people that have a negative view of anyone “different” than them. And I would probably say it’s a good idea not to for the reason you gave and more, but there are many very passionate people that are fighting for the rights of everyone in America, they just don’t get the press so it can be easily interpreted that no one in the US cares.
There are rotten people in power and due to their station they have control of the microphone which makes it sound like that is what everyone thinks. That isn’t true.
That’s great to hear, I’m sure it’ll be a huge comfort when I rot in an ICE cell for weeks, months, because the CBP agent didn’t like my face!
Yeah, I ain’t comin’.
They weren’t trying to convince you to come, they were trying to gently explain that it’s a little mean to judge 100% of the people for what is happening
Dude I love the guys that are like “well WaPo isn’t reporting it and the Americans didn’t email me specifically about their plans to resist so they must all be rolling over”
Considering how absolutely pathetic the American “resistance” has been for the past eight years I’d say you’re solidly in the “put up or shut up” phase now.
I wrote all my reps asking what they were doing about the rise of fascism.
“We’re voting as hard as we can!” was their answer. Oh good. Thanks for fighting SO hard, ya fuckin useless sacks of shit.
Yeah. Germany had more turnout on the streets against a far right populist party who isn’t even in power. Germany has around than 1/4 the population of the US. And go to hell with “population centres far apart,etc.” It’s simply not a valid argument.
Germany even had more turnout when the actual Nazis did take over.
So did Italy with Mussolini or Chile with Pinochet.
The country who basically did claim to be the pinnacle of democracy for decades and flooded half of south America with illegal arms they claimed to need for “protection their freedom”? They rolled over. Chuck Schumer rolled over and voted yes and so did the remaining population.
there are many very passionate people that are fighting for the rights of everyone in America
Yeah, that fight has been lost. Nobody should voluntarily come to this country. It’s just not worth the risk.
rotten people in power and due to their station they have control of the microphone which makes it sound like that is what everyone thinks. That isn’t true.
Maybe, but it is what the voting majority thinks. The US is, in fact, garbage.
The people who care are a minority.
An important one, yes, but hardly large enough to even protect themselves.
But most US citizens are either reactionary conservative or neoliberal - and neither truly care about minorities.
I honestly believe the number of Americans who actively oppose Trump, to the extent of fighting instead of tolerating him, rivals your tech unionization rates.
going to a non-red state is still supporting trump through taxes.
The gestapo are detaining and interrogating conventionally attractive cis white girls. That means nobody is off limits right now. I sure won’t be going anymore and I don’t fall under a categorically targeted minority.
Its more like a third activey wants you dead and a third would prefer that not be the case and a third somehow wanted to stop the horribleness of the democrats by being those friends to folk that makes them not need enemies.
the other two thirds don’t seem to care
That couldn’t possibly be more wrong, but you definitely shouldn’t come here because of the first third.
trans, POC, lgbtq+ even scientists or stem looking for career options need to seek elsewhere.
Jesus you need to chill.
The whole point of America is not caring, I shouldn’t care about your decisions and you shouldn’t care about mine, we call that freedom.
It’s the people who care who are the problem.
And that’s precisely why you have a country but lack a civilisation.
So I’m … Binational i guess, 1 foot in the us and 1 in northern Europe.
Until recently I preferred the coasts of the US, but it was a close thing, both were nice, the lack of a patronizing state was quite pleasant.
Now clearly the balance shifted to shit and northern Europe knocks the us into a cocked hat.
But when the us is good, it’s actually quite good.
You can have a civilization made of many civilizations, that’s how our multiculturalism worked (when it worked) and it was incredible.
But like saying all of Europe has no civilization because they don’t all share the same uniform culture.
You can’t have one when everyone’s alienated from each other, that’s the point. Civilisation is more than the mere sum of its parts: When you do not care about someone else deciding to e.g. oppress a fellow compatriot you only have the sum, not the more. A population, but not a civilisation.
You can have a civilization made of many civilizations
That’s not what e pluribus unum means. That’s what in varietate concordia means.
What? This is nonsensical. I’m not alienated from my neighbors and community. A lot of us aren’t. Obviously the US is and has a civilization. You’re trying to redefine civilization and it is really not working. This is odd.
There may be traces left, true, but if OP’s “The American way is to not care” ideal is lived by, what I described is exactly what you get.
And, yes, Americans are a lot more alienated from another than pretty much any other people.
You have no idea what’s going on. We aren’t in ruins. There aren’t traces. We are a civilization. And that person worded it poorly, they should’ve said tolerance.
Not really. We are all pretty connected in our communities. We just have a bad government.
And you misunderstood entirely.
I’m speaking of respect for each other’s uniqueness without embracing it.
You can be or do whatever you want, I respect your right to do so even if I think it’s stupid. I just stay mostly quiet about it, maybe light mockery.
I think religious people are basically mentally disabled. But so long as they follow basic rules (don’t enforce it on others or your kids strongly), then let the short bus morons believe whatever they want.
Would we be better off with religious eliminated by force? Possibly. But then someone else would have another crazy idea and decide things would be better if nonbelievers of that were eliminated by force, and the circle would begin again.
And you misunderstood entirely.
Last I checked, “not caring” has exactly the meaning I took it to have.
In America, we define respect of other peoples’ beliefs and cultures as apathy.
We politely ignore them, they politely ignore us, so long as nobody crosses a line the arrangement works splendidly.
As an American, I support this. Do not come here. Not only to send a monetary message, but because I genuinely don’t feel like tourists are safe. ICE and DHS have gone off the rails, and nobody should risk their lives to visit what little beauty we have left.
The country itself is beautiful, a friend of mine visited last year and he felt you , as a nation, all were very nice, caring, even the police… The photos he brought back were breathtaking…
You are going to get out of that stump when the country wakes up from the shock, I know it. but for now it’s the unknown and most of you are still in shock or(worse) still infatuated with American exceptionalism.
I appreciate your kind words and optimism. I sure hope we do! Trump’s next sale will be of all our public lands and beauty to the highest bidders for oil or development. I hope before that happens, we do something.
Exactly: Forget woke, just wake up!
It’s still years out. Boycott the 2028 Olympics. Sorry for the athletes, but America is Rancid and unsafe.
Start with all the US held games of the World Cup next year, would make quite the statement if the Mexican and Canadian held legs sold out but the US did not. Would be noticed by Trump as well as hes been cosying up to the head of UEFA
I think all this news about people seeming arbitrarily being detained by ICE is already making people want to steer way clear of anything US right now.
Considering European tourists keep getting detained there should be a travel ban in place until this administration is gone. If nothing changes within the next 3 months travel here could become a death sentence. The Alien enemies act allows him to send people to EL Salvador without due process. You’ve seen those videos and pictures. It will be on your country to get you out. Our courts are struggling to even get people back despite the fact that we are not at war so he cannot legally (lmao imagine a felon actually following the law) do that.
Don’t risk your life to come here, and if there’s a problem with your immigration status self deport. This country is going to be destroyed at this point.
Not just any prison. It’s a mega-prison.
Imagine coming to America and they just throw you in their slavery system.
Don’t catch you slippin now
This is America
More workers for “Made in America”
I’m an American living in Europe for almost 10 years and haven’t been stateside since like 2018. I’ve been homesick a lot recently, but I’m trying to come to terms that there’s a real chance I’m never going back.
Hate to break it to you, but your “home” no longer exists.
Exactly. That’s what I heard from people who lived abroad a long time. While you’re away, the country of origin changes and after a while you’re homesick for a place that only exists as a memory.
Your better off where you are
Seeing all the stories of European tourists detained by ice despite their papers in good order, it’s going to be the easiest advice to follow.
Trump has made it unsafe to travel there anyway. Anybody planning to go to the Untied States is a fool, just like people who visit North Korea
I was in the US once because of a business trip, I was there for 4 days and had 3 interviews with the border police. Not doing that again even if the company is paying for it.
That’s because you looked “other”.
Just don’t do that next time, you should be fine.
(/S, just in case)
I mean I live here. So I’m just trying to boycott all conservative companies and refuse to travel to any red state.
I live here too and I’m all for it.
I’m stuck in a red state and surrounded by them…
It’s not great!
As an American, I’m certainly not planning to visit any time in the near future.
wonder whats happening to florida, now that many canadians have cancelled thier trips. is thats why Florida and desantis is all quiet all of the sudden.
This is one of the best thing that I think can happen as a united front against that fascist stooge in the White House. And while I’m doubtful it’ll do much on a small scale, if everyone participated- this would be devastating enough for those hurt by it to actually do something.
Way ahead of you, Robert
This is stupid.
He doesn’t care, because he doesn’t have to care.
So long as he has his violent inbred redneck base, which he has to the death right now, he will paint any and all protests as proof to them that the evil libtard eurocucks are just angry that America is standing up to them for once.
There is literally nothing you can do to get through to the core of his base, and it’s just large enough that he can ignore everything else, which is the only thing he learned in his first term, you only need 32% to win.
I don’t know if getting through to his core base matters - they are and always will be a lost cause. But people should protect themselves and Americans should feel the pain economically, from the top to the bottom.
I think we need a proper schism, the only way we got them under control last time was with a civil war, but personally kicking out all the vile southern trash sounds like the best possible outcome for everyone.
We can live in a civilized country, and they can wallow in their own shit raping their sisters, ok obviously that doesn’t work out for their women but we can start an underground railroad to funnel them to the real world.
i see balkanization is the only choice here, the blue states all become one country while the red one is up to the fates. as soon as the gop is evicted first of course.
It’s not necessarily about changing anything. It’s a matter of safety for those visiting.
The coasts are still fairly safe, but I see your point.
I personally sent my family to Europe last year, they’re citizens but our child is interracial, and being brown I know exactly what that means wrt the absolute subhuman monsterous filth in the south.