Also known as local multi-device games. Are games that you can play by connecting to the same network and play with family. examples:
- BombSquad
- Juicy Realm
- Rusted Warfare
- Mindustry
- UFO99
- Krafteers
- Mini Militia
- ReCharge RC
Please tell me about any LAN game that you know of. Appreciate it.
Can you name them from your memory please?
Warcraft 2/3, Starcraft, Halo 1, Command and Conquer 1/2/3. Red Alert 1/2. Battlefield 1942, 1943, 2, Vietnam, 2142. Joint Ops. Doom 1,2, Quake 1/2,3, Unreal Tournament 1/2004. Farcry 1/2, Crysis 1, Burnout, Half-Life 1/2, Couterstrike 1.6/Source/GO. TeamFortress 1/2. Worms Armageddon. Soldat 1/2. Armegetron. Any Source Mods. Minecraft. Age of Empires 1/2/3. Age of Mythology. Neverwinter Nights. GTA 2. OpenTTD, Factorio, Terraria, ARMA 1/2/3. Left 4 Dead 1/2. Killing Floor 1. Call of Duty 1/2/4. Viscera Cleanup Detail, Magicka 1. etc etc
Worth mentioning that some of these earlier titles were built for IPX networking, which is no longer supported by modern operated systems. I get the impression OP is asking for games with LAN gaming supporting to get recommendations, so I feel it’s important to make sure they or others checking lists like this one understand they may need to go through some hoops to get some of these titles to work with a modern machine.