Why does it not have “Decline all” button??
“wE vALuE yOuR pRiVacY”
We put a value to your privacy. A price tag in other words so we can sell it
“…and other hilarious internet jokes”
This is from Blind.
Osu reference?!
Oh, damn. Didnt know this meme culture did exist within OSU.
I just played it a lot during my from childhood till today from time to time.
But never watched streams and stuff. Just played it for fun isolated from the culture
Yeah, mainly me too. But that meme is so strong that even I know it. Do you remember r/place, on reddit? The OSU logo was at the coords 727;727. Crazy, right?
Oh lol xD
Yeah I remember that time but thats a funny fact
I truly believe this coupd be a way UBI to work. First things first we’d need to pass laws making data privacy a right, and enforce it hard. It’s an opt in system, where you can decide what kind of data you want to give. But the more you opt in the more money you get. Companies are already paying for this stuff, we should cut out the middle men already.
Why does it not have “Decline all” button??
So that most people just click on “accept all”
Shame that they don’t enforce adding that button.
I close the website. Didn’t miss an essential website (or app, for that matter) so far.
I just accept knowing that uBlock will block it anyway
Consent o matic is your friend
Yup. Best firefox extension after uBO. If I had to pick a third one it would be Privacy Badger, although it breaks some sites.
What does privacy badger do specifically?
I would put DeArrow on the 3rd spot. It makes YouTube so much more bearable.
I also use decentraleyes.
Not necessarily all of it.
Even anti fingerprinting browser forks aren’t perfect.
Yeah but the consent boxes are just for cookies anyway
Yep. Most websites make it intentionally difficult to reject this stuff by giving you a single “ACCEPT ALL” button and then burying each individual actual setting behind multiple menus and dropdowns, some of which are deliberately obfuscated, sometimes with odd color choices for the toggle that make it difficult to determine whether the option is actually on or off.
Some websites offer a “Reject All” option, but they are few and far between.
They’re not that few and far between, as declining must be as easy as declining per the GDPR. Just report the transgressors to the national watchdog.
I wish it were that easy in the US.
As an US citizen you just literally are owned and experiemented by all its corporations
Why does it not have “Decline all” button??
For users in the EU it does. Or it should, since a lot of companies still don’t comply to GDPR
Thanks for this!