Is this thread intended for 1. Android/mobile users 2. iOS/mobile users 3. People with computers/mouse/keyboard or what? It seems most Lemmy threads are pretty exclusively aimed at mobile users.
Is this thread intended for 1. Android/mobile users 2. iOS/mobile users 3. People with computers/mouse/keyboard or what? It seems most Lemmy threads are pretty exclusively aimed at mobile users.
ROFLMAO - looks like they had a hissy fit.
The main issues (as my best lesbian friend once chimed in with me) are the people who are rather too quick to find offence, in an aggressive way, rather than offer a correction or an explanation, or simply engage in some discussion to confirm their initial suspicions.
On a limited connection, I’d advise not updating whilst watching a video. It’s also possible to download a video and watch it whilst updating.
Beyond that it’s not easy to answer - as I don’t use discover, but also never do updates without paying attention, so that watching a video at the same time isn’t something I’d contemplate.
Haha marketing is what it is… a joke I made up some 30 years ago was that, despite what we see on the surface - the evidence proves that women are disgusting, dirty, fat, ugly animals that need a vast array of products to be created so that they can go outside without offending everyone…
So yes, you’re right to find this ridiculous and offensive - but at the heart of it is simple greed, which is the real meaning of the American Dream.
You’re joking, right?
My computer is set to 1. Warn me at 9.25 to accept or cancel suspension at 9.30. 2. Set volume to 10% and suspend at 9.30 (just in case it gets woken up, I once woke it up at 4am and had a radio application wake up the family). 3. RTC Wake set to 5.59 4. 6.25am my wakeup music plays.
I have suspend, also hybrid - where it will suspend, and after a certain time (useful for laptops, mine’s set for 12 hours so I never hit this unless I go on holiday) it’ll hibernate.
Fundamental error - as usual with Windows news.
These ‘Start Menu Ads’ aren’t rolling out to everyone, I have zero ‘Start Menu Ads’. In fact, I have Zero Ads in my operating system.
Why must Windows news always assume that everyone runs Windows? Isn’t this the main bug with all operating systems?
There seem to be many ‘sources’. Youtube have a policy where you can show explosions, you can show guns shooting as long as you can’t see the targets - it’s clearly written. Yet several people are demonetised for showing clips related to Ukraine for a start - and YouTube doesn’t respond to requests to explain, it’s a secretive policy that doesn’t follow the written policy.
It’s also very easy to find other videos which would more clearly break the actual rules as they are written. Basically, they do have an agenda - it applies to many similar channels - and they keep very quiet about real reasons for doing so, instead quoting some bullshit rule which isn’t true, and doesn’t apply, both at the same time.
I think YouTube is dying.
Already, I see many of my favourite channels being restricted (one Ukrainian blogger) whilst the completely moronic, yet dangerous conspiracy theory/Flat-Earthers flourish.
Meanwhile, the most common thing we see is the push to sign up and pay them - yet with all the censorship (not simply censored for non-paying customers to allow the advertisements) it is not a viable option.
Thankfully I still use a Desktop - with Firefox and decent extras the actual ads are still not affecting me at all, but YouTube’s policies really are.
They are completely above the law - they don’t need to respect their own TOS (the reasons many people are blocked is more related to some secret narrative, and it goes against their own stated terms).
There is no way to appeal outside YouTube, and good luck with any idea of taking them to court for removing your income stream, or censoring a very useful source of information whilst spamming you with algorithms that treat you like Spongebob, and expect you to watch completely moronic content.
I suggest YouTube is a conspiracy to destroy the world, starting with the world population’s ability to think.
Convince me I’m wrong ;)
I was under the impression that ALL websites are basically a kind of webapp. Some (like Lazada) are what you’d call ‘Progressive Web Applications’.
I use Webapp-Manager on Linux, which will set up a shortcut to launch any website/url as a Webapp… at the time of creation, you can choose Firefox or some other browser as the backend (works well for sites that dont work in Firefox).
So for me, the BBC Radio website is a webapp, Overseerr and Sonarr are webapps too.
Yup, after seeing a University student trying to point out the Civilian toll, I remember WWII - did everyone forget Dresden?
Laws of war are designed to make it somehow more civilised - but the more we see war, the more we see that it really cannot be ‘more civilised’ and that the ‘fog of war’ is a bitch.
For sure, if someone shoots your kid, you must turn the other cheek because they’re gonna dress in civilian clothes and pretend to be innocent when you shoot back. It’s what these pricks have been doing to U.S. troops for years and it’s the reason that civilians are more at risk when fighting animals like this.
There are a couple of things here… firstly you’re thinking about him being with someone else - that’s not just a ‘breakup’, that’s worse.
Anyway, I found relaxing to be difficult so I went out and did stuff - also I just met lots of friends and tried not to be on my own. During my last breakup, I had someone to meet every day after work for a week - and that put some distance which made it easier.
For sure, as a teenager -
interest in music
switched from interest in music tofinding music videos that got girls in 'em'.