While Amercia exports shit show, they offset it with another export: caramel popcorn
While Amercia exports shit show, they offset it with another export: caramel popcorn
Jusr saw Rossmanns video about this,
this post ended maybe to deeply buried.
It should deserve repost or maybe pinning of initiative link
Or got dumb luck and found real spicy spiky potato next to road
HOW?! My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total
there is one right across my building, and I saw someone using it maybe a couple months ago.
it was such weird reminder of childhood and buying minutecards on vacations.
sooo fuzzy
which breaks if you checkout on windows
that’s why you don’t fork it, you re-upload it when you hear it’s stirring
Only that descrition doesn’t include Java
If only I could show segfaul stack tracetrough looped macros.
It breaks VSCode (it would be hilarious if I wasn’t the author of said macros).
Shouldn’t there be ‘?’ before t? Like:
Wait I still have it and I don’t remember ever seeing add. When news of recall came out I wondered how he got that rich. Now I’m wondering how I fell trough that crack and missed adds era
maybe because I don’t know how some command receives piped output?
Also some commands don’t work with pipe, so kowing how pipe itsef is implemented is just a fraction of information.
saved, too bad I don’t have remind me in X days bot available.
With introduction of new interactable species I’m a little bit more warmed up to it.
ooh yea the pilot, it took me aback for a sec when she frist spoke.
I don’t usually look for games, rather i take a note when I see someone playing and then browse for it later when bored. I just last year took mass effect as a franchise even though it was on my radar for a long time.
Just started Mass Effect: Andromeda yesterday, bought on winter sale.
While I like story and characters refreshing, right now it doesn’t feel as addictive(and emersive) as Mass Effect 3 (but am only on hour 3).
It really sucked me in their world
In short incus has Apache 2.0 copyright licene that states:
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole
While AGPL v3.0 that Canonical just adopted states:
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
. . .
You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy …
Meaning if incus uses any part of Canonicals source their code can’t be licenced under Apache but rather AGPL v3.0, which pulls any other derivative of incus.
Just saw video that touches hiring staff on:
ReactCAST video