Besides some obvious ones like The Last Airbender I think one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen was Knock Knock was Keanu Reeves. I’m somewhat surprised this movie was even made.
Besides some obvious ones like The Last Airbender I think one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen was Knock Knock was Keanu Reeves. I’m somewhat surprised this movie was even made.
I gave up on video games and never really cared for internet people content. So I read books and am always on the lookout for shows I might like. Many of which are decades old.
It might be difficult to adjust to the slow paced entertainment of reading, but once you go through a bit of digital detox it will become as entertaining as a television show.
Privacy? What is this article talking about. Ads not displaying in no way implies privacy. They will harvest your data as much as it possibly can either way. All you are doing by paying to remove ads is directly funding the ad business model.
It sounds like the latency is really important here and not necessarily the bandwidth. That makes sense.
After breakfast I would think. Any other time would be rather inconvenient.
I can already burn through my entire wireless data limit in minutes. What is the point in it being faster without data being cheaper? At least from a users perspective and not someone who owns a telecommunications company.
It would still be nice to look at how someone did something even if implemented poorly to make redevelopment quicker.
As for why people don’t do this they might just not care or believe they will maybe get back to it again someday even if that is years in the future.
I thought normal pencils used lead. 🤔
There are a couple really spectacular scenes that I really want to see visualized. In my head I extrapolated what the last 3 books would look like based on the series visualizations which made them like watching the show. That last scene with Draper though… that would be a sight to behold.
I’d love to see the last 3 books of The Expanse series made into a trilogy of movies.
Unfortunately memes are all Lemmy has going for it at the moment. I worry about the future of this platform.
Is there a way to update from within Cinny?
I’m not convinced we have even begun to scratch the surface in developing AGI. I’m also not convinced it is even possible using conventional computer hardware.
I do remember that. I suppose not enough people would ever use it for things to ever balance out.
I want to see a website that links to whatever is the least viewed Wikipedia article at any given time until all Wikipedia articles basically have the same number of views.
The grift that keeps on grifting.
This brings up a good point. I think as long as I can default to using the SD card storage in case whatever service stops working it should be fine. Anything with an SD card slot like this one should work.
If anyone had a question to ask they would make a post here themselves. 🤔
Like a TV series that does some kind of “what if” scenario about the past?
I choose death.