Why not?
Why is the default response for “nobody even knows I exist” to curl up in a ball and bitch about it on the Internet?
If there is nothing holding you back, then you can do anything you want. What do you have to lose if you feel like you have nothing?
And if your response is that you don’t have the motivation or mindset, or you can’t bring yourself to care… buddy, that’s a mental health issue, and there are people who’s job it is to help people experiencing the same things.
What I’m reading is that Black and Asian women can only be attractive when they conform to western beauty standards: petite features, small frames, perfect proportions.
Considering that some games these days use the likenesses of actual people to create their characters, it disgusts me that some random guy out there gets to be the deciding voice on beauty.
He seems to be pretty hung up on that one guys girlfriend though…