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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • It is ghoulishly disingenuous to suggest that a nation making their 500th shipment of child-exploding munitions to a genocidal warlord is somehow less culpable.

    Biden is like a negligent parent, letting his mentally disturbed 14-year-old have access to the family assault rifle. Maybe after the first shooting he could havd a credible defense. But by now Netanyahu is on his 2000th school shooting, and Biden is still providing weapons.

    Biden might as well be shooting those Palestinian children himself, the blood is on his hands.

  • This sounds good on paper but it’s hard to imagine implementing it in a meaningful way.

    For example, the #1 polluter in the world is the US Dept of Defense. Their crimes against the environment are so devastating and numerous, future generations will never forgive us for allowing it. You’re telling me the ICC would issue ecocide arrest warrants for US generals, secretary of state, and commander in chief?

    I wish it would happen, but unfortunately this will probably be applied just like other ICC actions: A cudgel for stronger nations to punish misbehaving weaker nations, while never applying the same justice to powerful nations who misbehave.

  • I find this meme to be absolutely vile.

    The good people of Afghanistan have been under violent US occupation for decades, and as their final move, the US looted the central banking reserves.

    This effectively drained the savings of everyday Afghanis. They no longer have access to their bank accounts. The US stole all the money.

    I often wonder, would the good people of Afghanistan be able to overthrow the evil leadership of the Taliban? I wish they could, but overthrowing the Taliban is much less likely when the US has left you in a state of devastation, poverty, and famine.

    Then those same western chauvinists can post memes like this, delighting in the Afghan people’s suffering after causing so much of it. Disgusting.

  • Did you even read my post before responding to it? It’s hard to have a discussion when all you do is regurgitate delusional Hasbara talking points.

    All death tolls require a level of trust. We should not trust Hamas numbers blindly. But we can look at their history- Hamas have been releasing death counts from conflicts since at least 2008. After those conflicts subsided, the UN inspectors came in to question and confirm the Hamas numbers.

    Hamas has literally received the gold-standard approval from the UN, time and time again, for the methodology and accuracy of their death counts.