can you link me a single example of someone saying that they had their post removed from the mod log
the girltwink puppy pilled garfhead mod of the garfieldism comm which is currently the most active Garfield comm on Lemmy (incredibly low bar ngl)
Also a mod for egg_irl and LGBTQ+ (also on lemmy blahaj zone)
Big proponent for killing all cis men. token trotskyite.
can you link me a single example of someone saying that they had their post removed from the mod log
I didnt say that mods havent been overbearing with their moderation i said “i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly”.
if you want me to spell it out slowly i can:
well i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly, only people saying that maybe it could be used in this way, so no i dont think that the ML tankie front are using it that way. and since i know it has been used for its stated purpose to fully remove actual doxx information and child porn i dont see why it should be removed as a feature, at very least until there’s some evidence of it being used maliciously
all instance admins have the ability to do this on their own instance, the functionality was added to deal with doxx info being posted so it wouldnt be visible even in the modlog, and it was used a lot to deal with the CSAM spam attack too - basically whenever this happens the relevant message will still be in the modlog but it will be changed to “Permanently Removed”. Currently there’s no evidence or even accusation that this functionality has been used for anything except the stated purposes though so i wouldnt worry too much.
I think micro plastics in our anything will probably be an issue
whichever of the two is more like a bear
You’re the one unironically saying this about Palestinians being murdered by psychotic IDF fascists because they might be transphobic, not me
America’s transphobic as fuck though, why should I give a shit that 3,000 transphobic Americans died on September 11th? tbh, I’m glad that there’s 3,000 less transphobes in the world actually
Omw to adopt this line of thinking uncritically to argue that 9/11 was entirely justified and should happen again once a week throughout every republican state in the US because some of the victims would probably happen to be transphobic.
Basically just the same as just defederating but you also sign a little thing promising you’ll never refederate with threads
They have very simple demands, they’re not giving some pie in the sky stuff like “have Joe Biden tried for war crimes and abolish capitalism” or something; the protests all have demands along the lines that their university boycott Israeli companies and cut ties with weapons manufacturers aiding the genocide. To claim otherwise is completely infantalising to the protestors who are risking their university positions and physical health to protest despite the police crackdowns.
Here’s a link to the list of demands of the student protest in new York, for instance
And here’s a picture of the list of the demands of the columbia faculty protest:
iirc the death sentence is just being used as a motivation for her to return all the stuff she got from corruption and if she does it’ll be downgraded to life in prison
my account is at least 5% femboy worship
Average chaser lol. People will unironically just declare “hey, I have a fetish for objectifying crossdressing twinks!” and then act like it’s a completely normal, not creepy thing to say out of nowhere because it’s funny when it’s queer people being randomly fetishized
im not saying governments dont astroturf or anything, i meant it was a QAnon-esque conspiracy to assume that there were paid shills and bots around every corner and the vast majority of anti-american sentiment comes from a Russian cabal or something, especially on a comparitively tiny online space like lemmy. Like i’ve fairly frequently seen the accusation that lemmy is filled with paid actors / bots working for various countries from people just because they’ve suddenly been exposed to views that they’ve never really encountered before.
criticising Israel’s genocide of palestinians and consistent settlement of palestinian land going back 75 years and the American government unconditionally supporting them to do this for the last few decades regardless of political party isnt racist actually. I’m assuming you don’t think that just because I criticise the actions of the Russian government that makes me a white supremacist who hates all russian people.
edit: im getting downvoted for saying genocide is bad and countries that commit genocide are bad lmao
i think that it’s a lot more likely that a few people are just making burner accounts to be dicks on the internet than some weird QAnon-esque conspiracy theory that both the Russian and Chinese governments are not only aware of a tiny reddit clone but also are actively employing people (who all happen to be fluent in english) to create fake accounts and convincingly imitate westerners all in order to slightly increase political divisions in america for a few thousand people by having arguments about already incredibly contentious issues.
anti-Israel and anti-America content is cool actually
I used to be in a discord where we’d jump in and watched dr who each week as the episodes came out, it was pretty cool
We can only hope
just to clarify i want evidence of this specific admin function being misused, i and everyone else already knows that the mods are trigger happy with their bans, but you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog that they actually removed for criticising china to cover their tracks which i havent seen anyone else accuse them of