Neither, and I never once had the cable fall out. Just imagine the countless seconds I saved from not screwing and unscrewing.
Neither, and I never once had the cable fall out. Just imagine the countless seconds I saved from not screwing and unscrewing.
I was so invested in that show’s ongoing plot as a kid. The writers put a lot more thought into it than they needed to. And the voice actors were all awesome, especially Megatron.
Don’t worry, I’m still here
The Fabio of ducks
I know it’s not the same thing, but the corporate TLDs like “.google” make me irrationally irritated. You think you’re too good for “.com”?
They’ve taken the design in a very minimalist direction.
! often add alt text to their memes
A relaxing cat shall not be disturbed
Thank you, kind stranger!
I’m guessing I’m probably slightly younger than you, but I’m still old enough to remember how things were before the web took everything over. I definitely agree with some of your point, but I think there’s some cause for optimism!
Damn, I didn’t know what had happened to her. I really liked her content.
I use Trello to manage several lists (recurring daily, Tuesdays only, one-offs, etc) and reconcile them into a daily plan each morning
Assuming it ever comes out. I’m WAITING…
“you’re a no good killer!”
deleted by creator
I wish to be the clown
I’ve been waiting for it for three years now. Still using my Lenovo Explorer…