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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Well…they kind of are. We are not seeing the kind of push and pull we saw last time trump was in office. We’re not really seeing the compounding buffoonery and constant chaos of an evil yet highly disorganized and stupid and largely solitary extremist right wing government.

    We are seeing a largely accepted—if nothing else, ignored—well-funded, focused group of absolute death mongers who are powering this much larger boat with trump as the flag on top, but an elite crew of Chistofascists turning coal (yes, it’s a coal powered boat) into much more precise and damaging takeover of every single lever of power. And this is just one in a fleet of these types of ships taking off all around the world. This far right surge is not an isolated thing. This is happening worldwide and they are fucking ready to put their plans into action.

    While we all took four years to decompress, they were becoming a much more ruthless and serious fascist machine. They are primed to make some scary moves and they don’t have nearly the amount of big dollar pushback and spotlight on them. They are manipulating the spotlight to focus on flashy trump nonsense while some truly fiendish motherfuckers are doing everything they can to fuck things up christofascismo style.

    Be very much more worried about things that aren’t the “gulf of America.”

  • This is just attention grabbing language for something that really isn’t even a problem for Reddit. The longer recent trend of stunted growth could be cause for concern, but the actual numbers are something like they got 101.6 million unique visitors instead of their projected 103.4. That’s nothing. They’re talking like they’re in free fall. It could be the start of a trend that could be bad for a public company, but realistically, what we’re all hoping to see isnt what this article is actually telling us. Unfortunately.

  • I mean, I know everyone says it’s impossible for phones to be listening, but I feel like there are just too many examples for that to be the case. My friend was looking for something for our other friends birthday. Her husband suggested opening instagram and talking about the thing she was looking for, describing the specific jacket, saying the company started with an “A.” Minutes later, she got the ad for the jacket she was looking for.

    When I was driving with some people from work, we were talking about daddy Yankee, and his song “gasolina.” We were using maps to navigate home from an away job. On our route, suddenly there were multiple waypoints suggested on our map, “estaciones de gasolina.” We were speaking English, the person whose phone it was doesn’t speak Spanish.

    If they’re not listening, how could these things be possible?

  • I think there are obviously a lot of reasons this is happening, we all know it’s not so simple a thing to explain.

    But I think it can mostly just be boiled down to general discontent—there is a feeling all over the world that is vague and seemingly in everyone. It’s disenfranchisement. It’s a system that doesn’t prioritize us or even consider us. We serve the system, and the exploitation for the benefit of the global system has become so acute that it’s hitting everyone.

    But people just cannot conceive of big problems like this. It always has to be something specific, so their more personal fears and biases are being exploited by the most advanced conditioning and manipulation system ever created.

    We are mico-conditioned. We are exploited in new and exciting and previously unthinkable ways. We are so minutely controlled that we aren’t even in control of our own feelings most of the time. We have our moods changed for companies to profit or to weaken us to whatever it is their product “fixes.”

    We can dig down into so much minutiae about the different things, but that’s like dividing Infinity over and over and over ad Infinitum. But we need to stop subdividing and sub-subdividing because that only serves to divide us—which is exactly the tactic used to exploit our vague anger. We need to instead zoom way out and see that this system is taking us down with the world it’s destroying. We all feel it, we all feel the system breaking down. But that uneasiness is given a face and a name in immigrants, or whatever is helpful.

  • Dude every single time one of my uber/lyft drivers picks me up in a Tesla, I alwats have some kind of issue. The door handles fail to extend to let me get in (what problem was this design even solving?), when I’m inside the way to open the door is so counter-intuitive even after doing it a few times it still takes me way too long to get it open (dumbest design ever…it’s just a button?), the seatbelt buckle doesn’t click, etc… Cheap fuckin construction.

    Just terrible, stupid, designs. Add in the fascist bullshit? Fucking forget it. This asshole is ruining a good chance to cut down on emissions by being the face of EVs