Yep, while driving, stopped, or parked and trapped in the car with whatever task is involved in the commute. I keep a little trash container in the car for normal trash and just chuck the placker in there when done.
Yep, while driving, stopped, or parked and trapped in the car with whatever task is involved in the commute. I keep a little trash container in the car for normal trash and just chuck the placker in there when done.
This is for all my floss-averse people out there: put floss plackers in your car. I floss way more this way than in front of my sink. Yes, not optimal dental hygiene but there’s just something that just clicks in my head and makes me want to do it when driving around vs literally any other time.
I’ve never heard of this witchcraft. This is exactly what I need.
Edit: heard not beard
Congratulations Void. Well done. Ok you can stop now. Really, you can just stop.
Only a few insects are known to have the ability to hear of which cicadas are included. However, from Brittanica:
Cicadas are noted for the intensity of sound produced by some species and for the elaborate development of the ears, which are located on the first segment of the abdomen.
Please adjust your torture method accordingly and continue…
I do the xylitol gum! I think countries in asia regularly markets this as part of good dental hygiene for those reasons you listed. Some of the gum containers advertise, white healthy teeth. Not sure why the US doesn’t promote xylitol gum more.