You’re next, New Mexico!
Instructor, author, developer. Creator of Beej’s Guides.
You’re next, New Mexico!
As an American and long time OSM contributor, I also vote extremely no on Gulf of America.
Also no on renaming New Mexico.
What’s that sucking sound?
I should add that I have a hackish python script for that conversion. It basically mirrors the tree of MP3s and FLAC files, converting the FLACs and hard linking everything else. So it doesn’t use too much more disk. Then I copy that to my phone. I could put it up somewhere if it would be useful.
But I don’t have as much music as you, either.
No, I don’t think you’re as asshole at all, and don’t doubt you can hear the difference. I just can’t, myself. Or at least I’ve never been able to.
But I also watch DVDs and didn’t really notice the resolution, either. (Old TV shows, that I can notice. 😅)
Except file size. 😁 I convert everything from flac to mp3 before I put it on my phone. I’m lucky in that I can’t tell the difference in quality at all.
Or maybe now it’s more, “Should I rehire that self-proclaimed racist? Well, it won’t make me look any worse, so why not?”
I’m also a monthly IA donor. They’re being sued by publishers and need to mount a defense to continue to archive the Internet and government data that is being deleted.
Also, don’t buy any books from those litigious publishers.
It’s possible to dodge the deluge of ads, of course, by signing up for the YouTube Premium subscription service.
Oh yeah! That’s another way to do it. I forgot.
The US has experience being beaten by smaller, poorly-armed forces.
The USGS has renamed “jadeite” to “jate”.
I’m not sure they realize.
Some people really don’t like celebrating diversity for some reason.
I’m not bagging on signal, here, since I use it too. But what about xmpp? It does e2ee, right?
Should be, but sometimes it just isn’t. I’ve definitely had plenty of times where I was like, oh shit, the only place I have that information is in this chat somewhere.
Other people, kind of like me, are just data hoarders. Just because I can’t think of a use of the data now, doesn’t mean I won’t be able to think of one in the future! I have piles of old inboxes in my archives.
I thought the stunt was on the part if TikTok. They shut down when they didn’t have to and then came back on all chummy with Trump when he announced the 90 day extension. The play was to kiss Trump’s ass. Biden signed it and they took advantage of the situation.
deleted by creator
But you couldn’t tell, could you. 😂 I’m keeping this joke alive as long as I can, until Trump gets wind of it and actually does it.