Prepaying a mortgage is almost always a worse investment than anything else because mortgage interest is tax deductible.
Prepaying a mortgage is almost always a worse investment than anything else because mortgage interest is tax deductible.
Slow your roll buddy. I didn’t say it’s meaningless to everyone, only that it wouldn’t change my life.
To your example, I already own a house but $93k won’t pay off my mortgage, or let me retire early, or cover my kids’ college costs.
The article is discussing how to reduce the constant time factor which depends on the filling fraction, which is a speed-memory tradeoff when creating the hash table.
The innovation described allows for the use of fuller tables which are resized less frequently, or faster insertion/retrieval for the existing filling fraction.
You added $100k by typo.
$93,770 would be nice but not life changing.
I don’t think it goes much deeper than “it hurts them more than it hurts us”.
In the article, x is not the size of the hash table, it is the inverse of the table’s filling fraction. A 1000-element table that is 90% full has x=10, N=1000.
Since they’re not discussing scaling of data sizes, would be confusing to use O(N) notation or people would make that assumption.
If you use a hash table, you search every time you retrieve an object.
If you didn’t retrieve, why would you be storing the data in the first place?
Hash tables are used in literally everything and they always need to minimize resizing because it’s a very expensive operation.
I suspect this will silently trickle into lots of things once it gets picked up by standard Python and JavaScript platforms, but that will take years.
Russia is continuing to subsidize the separatists.
The gas supply deal was facilitated by Russian credit and operational support, as Krasnoselsky conveyed through a post on Telegram. Further details regarding the Hungarian company involved, the timeline of the gas deliveries, and the specifics of the Russian support were not disclosed in the initial announcement.
There are fully automated cargo drones on private property.
I’m not aware of any operating full size trucks on public roads.
What’s your opinion on people without strong opinions?
The grass clippings should be from sugar cane.
If you know your way around the kitchen, maybe whip up some brown rice crackers with sesame oil.
That’s just another monopoly. How much do you trust your government?
In other words, you want to try your hand as a real estate developer.
If you want to market homestead sites, you need to improve them with road access, power, water and maybe wired internet.
It’s less about marketing and more about making the properties “turnkey” for your intended buyer.
Reminder that the Nokia the smart phone company was spun off/renamed HMD and this Nokia sells cell network equipment to telecoms.
Oats and shredded wheat both taste like whole grains because that’s what they are.
Sounds like you’re craving carbohydrates.
Valuation of undeveloped recreational property is going to be a lot more speculative than agricultural/industrial use because the final product is not tangible.
If you’re asking strangers on Lemmy how to do land valuation I don’t think you should try your hand as a real estate developer.
Not always but often. You could even say almost always. 😉