Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I’m glad you asked!

    Formal verification is an automatic checking methodology that catches many common design errors and can uncover ambiguities in the design. It is an exhaustive methodology that covers all input scenarios and also detects corner case bugs.

    One of the most futuristic companies I know of is Runtime Verification that uses formal Methods in industry. They have a list of accomplishments that seem like vaporware including a semantic babel fish called the K framework that can translate between languages based on formal, semantic definitions of each.

  • If it’s as bad as it is in the US, they ALL want to privatize it.

    I’ll never forget Joe Lieberman swooping in and literally letting health insurance companies completely rewrite (destroy) the Affordable Care Act from an incremental step toward Single Payer into a law that codifies their profiteering. It put everyone into three categories:

    A.) people who make more than their incredibly low income means testing are required to shop for expensive private health insurance on the free market. Health insurance companies literally raised their rates right after this. Because of Joe, health insurance profits, medical bankruptcy, and death from being under/uninsured (70,000 people per year) are at an all-time high! Any real illness won’t be covered and you’ll be forced to cover it with a GoFundMe!

    B.) people who face stiff fines if they don’t have health insurance (neoliberal paternalism much like charging people for plastic bags and sugary drinks)

    C.) people who somehow manage to sneak in under the means testing income bar! If you are 300% or more below the actual poverty line, you get the most bare bones medical insurance possible!

  • Perhaps. I tend to listen to Snowden when it comes to tech. But I haven’t used it yet because all of the implementations I could use involved a bitcoin wallet. I’m a fan of crypto but that felt weird.

    Someone else reassured me that NOSTR is a very open platform and that requirement wasn’t true.

    From my research, I have found it to be far more decentralized than Lemmy’s (and the pub/sub) federated model, which would also, obviously have the same drawbacks that we see in other truly decentralized tech like crypto, torrents, and tor where you are on your own in the world, forced to literally keep the ocean of shit from infecting you! 😉

    So, I think of those things as necessary evils. For example, if I used NOSTR, I could have an address that follows me no matter what. That cryptographic hash is my NOSTR identity for better or worse. That’s pretty powerful and far more secure than a two step verification process in the long run.

    I don’t know enough about it yet. But I’d say it is a raw technology that I wouldn’t allow the criminals and trolls of the world define for me.