Isn’t Syncthing for Android getting sundowned?
Isn’t Syncthing for Android getting sundowned?
Beyond my normal use case, I still think there are some Internet things that are “big screen” tasks. Too many websites still have poorly optimized mobile interferfaces.
It’s often covered under obscenity and sex offender laws, though.
Yeah, obviously it’s not the point, but I would love a ban on car data collection instead.
Is it really that shocking that a woman wouldn’t want to be called girl or child? Sure, boy is still used. But in your post you used man, not boy. I’d say an easy rule is if you’d use the word man in a sentence, don’t use the word girl.
I agree that’s how math works, but by reporting a negative percentage with it colored red is misleading at best. Perhaps a better metric would be +/- |(percent change)| where + indicates profit growth and and - indicates profit reduction?
How is -0.5B -> 2.33B a -564% change?
Ships absolutely practice turning everything off.
Except when you’re walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.
Ah, I think I misunderstood the conversation, then. I apologize for that. I was considering quantum sensors and other quantum computer adjacent technologies, I suppose. Not just the classic idea of a quantum computer/showing quantum supremacy.
I appreciate the conversation, but it does seem like you’re dismissing everything to fit with your narrative. Quantum computing is absolutely a new and emerging field, I was just trying to showcase that it’s farther than 21 divided by 7. From wikipedia,, MCGs are pretty much by definition a quantum sensor. The technical aspects of the paper linked goes in to how their device is different and why it does not require cryogenic cooling.
Looks like they do! I’d only heard about them in passing, but here’s an article:
Ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol). Take max dosage but alternate them. Read the bottle and don’t quote me, but it’s something like 800mg ibuprofen every 8 hours and 1000mg of paracetamol every 6. So take ibuprofen, 3-4 hours later take paracetamol, then back and forth. Do not exceed 2400/4000 or whatever your bottle says.
That’s the method I was taught to get the most/longest pain relief with OTC.
Not the one I was thinking about. Sandbox AQ is the one that came to mind.
Sandbox AQ is one I’ve heard about. Pretty sure they are at least at the prototype stage.
That’s not entirely true. There are companies right now with prototypes solving real world problems.
Fourth not OP. Wear them in my work boots every day, even when it’s hot as shit.
While I love this film, I feel like a sequel would just kinda ruin the ending.
Gotta be HBO though. For reasons. Otherwise I can’t grok it.
I also self host FreshRSS. Was super easy to setup. I don’t expose it, so when away from home I use wire guard to connect to my home network.