I suppose that clarifying it as ‘uncertified open source Android’ would be more appropriate.
I suppose that clarifying it as ‘uncertified open source Android’ would be more appropriate.
Thank you. I was not aware of that. I don’t really know how to check to see if a link has been posted before. I would like to avoid reposting. 'sure would be nice if a veteran citizen of Leamington could explain it. I have re- re-titled the title in light of your comment.
I respectfully disagree. Ars Technica is not known for being a clickbait site. They are merely stating what platform(s) the malware runs on. It’s not an Android hit piece, and it’s not clickbait, it’s just a warning about buying cheap Chinese electronics that have access to your Wi-Fi.
Or, another way of looking at it is, they’re embrace of deceit and delusion means they periodically have to fabricate new imaginary dragons to slay. The problem with turning victimhood and grievance into a cult is that you need persecution for it to work. Hence, fabricating opposition. Wokeness is just a way for the elder elite to heap hate on the youth that will inevitably replace them. Constantly reminding everyone that you are a patriotic Christian is just a means to try to seize the higher ground for cultural warfare.
The most active posts are now bot-created open-ended conversation starters on r/askreddit to stir up activity and give the illusion of a thriving community. The questions are usually very redditer patronizing, and some of them are thinly veiled marketing analysis to create value for future shareholders. they’re often saturated with butt created responses.
As to why the post in question may not still exist? I suspect substantial posts about bot saturation are probably filtered out.