I always enjoyed the word putz. I typically use the verb format but it amuses me that every definition is so different lol.
IT nerd and synthesizer player from Ohio. Reddit refugee, here to stay.
I always enjoyed the word putz. I typically use the verb format but it amuses me that every definition is so different lol.
I just want to see the day where as a pedestrian I don’t feel like my retinas are fried every time a car passes at night or has their brights on during the day (ugh). I know it is wishful thinking because apparently politicians don’t give a shit about pedestrians (or cyclists).
A graduation cap! Just finished the bachelor’s woo.
Two things for me… pomodoro method and the mantra “Don’t put it down. Put it away.” Pomodoro got me through college and made hyperfocusing on assignments seem like more of a choice. The mantra? It is part of my inner dialogue all the time lol. I tend to put things where ever and wouldn’t you know it? In a day my home is a mess. So once I heard the suggestion I took it to heart and it does actually really help me remember WHY to put things away. Because the “oh I will grab it and put it away later” is a lie.
Therapy? I react badly to all ADHD medications so I am not medicated for it. What has helped me the most is working through things with a therapist who also helped me with implementing coping mechanisms. Things like pomodoro method (this got me through college!), organizers at “drop spots,” and learning how to self talk made a huge difference for me. It is not impossible to do well without meds…it is just harder.
The best solution I have seen to this was the guy I worked with, sick of people shaking the doors repeatedly while we were redoing signage after close exclaimed at some door shakers: “what the fuck you doing bro?!” Those of us in the store lost it and the customers walked away embarrassed. From your comment, I can tell you have not had a job that works with the general population directly like retail. You lose patience pretty quickly with others trying to complain to get their way, push boundaries, and sometimes just be assholes. You should try it sometime. It is quite enlightening.
Shut up and take my upvote 🤣
BLAT. Bacon, lettuce, avocado, and tomato. Best with a hearty or sweet bread type. My preferred is sweet rye. No condiments needed…just spread the avocado for the texture and added flavor. Husband prefers the bread toasted, but I like it pan fried in butter.
Ahhh the unfortunate speaker placement kills me. Why do designs always seem to put them right where your hands are?
Darning is a method of mending socks. It is a nerdy pun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darning
Teenage engineering partnered with Nothing. That isn’t the same thing.
Was on the way home early and was coming up on an SUV that seemed hesitant at a major highway interchange between three highways at once….they stopped in their lane towards the middle of the road. Completely stopped. On a 65mph highway. I got over since they were in my lane and of course honked because wtf? Still blown away that someone would stop on a highway. They are lucky it was not rush hour quite yet.
I have been happy with my Kobo Libra Colour I picked up after the terrible experience with Boox. I wish a phone sized option was available from Kobo but I have been enjoying the option to use a stylus more than I expected.
I got it through PayPal and ain’t nobody got time for that lol. I definitely learned. I ended up with a new Kobo and am very happy with it so I am actually happier long term.
They are in China and I am in the US. It is not worth my time. My best recourse is to spread the word so others aren’t burned as well.
Boox Palma. Got one for myself as a treat and upgrade to my aging Kobo and the screen broke within 24 hours. I have never broken a screen. Support immediately told me it was “pressure” and that it wasn’t covered. I was very careful with it so no…I really don’t believe them. If the screen is THAT fragile…no interest. Planning on selling the ewaste at a yard sale. No way am I giving them money to fix an already flawed product.
Juiced 2:Hot Import Nights. Played the shit out of that game. Close second? Midtown Madness.
I upgraded to the G6. I honestly don’t remember what my reason at the time was.
Putzing around is another way to say goofing off.