My own instance is fairly narrow in scope, and I don’t think I can add it here. Is there a way to post a community in another instance?
My own instance is fairly narrow in scope, and I don’t think I can add it here. Is there a way to post a community in another instance?
As far as I remember, Dragon Age has been real time since Origins.
The DM tools were where it really shined; I’d love a modern game with that kind of support.
I haven’t seen much of anything about this game; what’s with the radio silence?
Started GMing a Cyberpunk Red campaign, went to the pool, cleaned my bathtub.
TheModernRogue about the time Jason left. Just lost its charm.
Well, there were these two old guys arguing about golf on TV. Can’t say that did wonders for me.
I love my Keurig, but I always use the reusable mesh cups.
Sort of? It’d be kinda like Pandora where you’d name a song or band in your post, but people would make the recommendations instead of an algorithm.
I’ve had an idea for a community based around recommending music to each other; you’d post a song or band and get recommendations. Basically a Build my Playlist community.
D&D and Pathfinder are the main ones, and Genesys sometimes when I can convince my players to give it a try. Currently trying to maybe get something going with Cyberpunk Red.
Well, I mean he still resembles some Space Marines I know of.
DM/GM from time to time.
Second part of the question; is having your opinion validated by the group that important to you?
I think it would be better to ask where he stands on things, confirm the information from multiple sources, and make your own opinion.
I’ve been a fan for a while; played the originals, the remastered, and got Emergence (Cataclysm) when it launched on GOG.
I’m having a blast so far. It needs some balance work, but as long as they continue tweaking it I think the base game is entirely enjoyable. They’ve also confirmed mod support is on the way; I’m not saying that makes up for any deficiencies in the base game, but it will definitely add replayability.
Who’s “we”, and why do you feel the need to ask them if they like a particular comedian?
Could also be a strangelet. Theoretical but not fictitious.
This is the first time I’ve seen anyone ever post anything about this game.
My next game of Cyberpunk on Sunday.