Pardon my ignorance, what is wrong with leetcode (aside from the name)?
Pardon my ignorance, what is wrong with leetcode (aside from the name)?
I completely agree. I got a wok less than a year ago, and it is now my favorite tool to use in the kitchen!
If I were to concisely put it with a fews word each, would it be a close approxmation to say morality is an automatic response and ethics is a rational response?
A few features I would love to see:
A way to view groups of multiple communities in a single feed. Like a multicommunity. A workaround right now is to have multiple accounts, which is less than ideal.
A way to view content from multiple accounts in a single feed. Like a universal feed.
An easier way to have the same settings apply to multiple accounts.
A way to block instances or communities.
What’s wrong with gitlab?