considering one of the other posts is about “democratizing AI” I lean towards my take.
considering one of the other posts is about “democratizing AI” I lean towards my take.
the author doesn’t oppose AI, just programmers being replaced for it.
this post is about programmers being replaced by ai. the writer seems ok with artists being replaced.
they’re foaming at the mouth over at swastwitter
dawncaster is enough tbh
oh god that quote. he’s so lame and fucking stupid.
I’m sure corner cutting is a concern but also he’s so insecure he probably read things about Steve Jobs or something, and tried to ape him. I remember something about Jobs supposedly telling employees to reduce steps in some processes or whatever. this idiot doesn’t understand anything so he thinks asking for fewer bolts is the same thing.
why can’t we do it in two? cause that’s how you secure things you fucking dumbass. your proud fascination for “fewer bolts” is why your hypercuck tried to kill a driver.
wow, rallying against a fascist regime threatening to invade, what a… checks notes … “jihadist terrorist” thing to do.
fuck you.
<3 looks and reads much better
not gonna comment on your statements but you emphasize too many things.
haha you’re so funny… yeah when will the promise keeper guy keep this one promise like all the other shit he ever said
he alludes to the fourteen words right after the salute so you could make a case
lol she’s literally sharing a video of her clearly not doing a salute and saying this is what a nazi salute looks like. can’t expect better from a genocidal zionist cunt.
idk if a Mario brother is the right person for that.
donate to BJ Blazkowicz instead.
to the new users:
Ahoy, mateys
why stills? show a video of her doing this, you little bitch:
it’s not a Jewish advocacy group. it’s a zionist advocacy group.
unfortunately those take too long to produce. they will probably be long banned by the time they finish.
Get Psyched!
I wouldn’t mind a couple of blazkowiczes right now
they’re seriously clowns