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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • might be your smartphone browser/system is using some kind of proxy. this could explain that you are able to ping, but the browser shows access denied. if no log entries are generated on the server when trying to access it via browser, it has to be something on client side or inbetween. on grapheneOS check: Settings - Network and Internet - Internet - Wifi-Settings - choose edit at top right - then advanced. If proxy is not set to none, change it and test again.

    If this still doesn’t help, my last bet is some kind of duplicate IP

  • I second that! Been using it for ~4 years now and I so much prefer it to the old launchers. After installing it I completely stopped testing new launchers.

    Does anyone still remember the old (2010) launcher called slide it. Unfortunatly it was discontinued and I have always been searching for an adequate replacement. In Niagara I have found it.

    Anyway, back to why i like Niagara so much. With every other launcher the workflow is like this:

    • swipe up for menu
    • swipe 2-5 pages left or right till you reach your app
    • click your app icon

    which takes ages and is tedious.

    On Niagara I just swipe along the left or right edge until the letter my apps name is starting with appears and click the icon. That’s it.

    Having notifications beneath your favorite apps and an included media control app when audio is playing is superb. (I’m using the pro version). Calendar is aCalendar btw.

    Best few bucks I have ever spend for some android app.

  • Innovatin is good if it results in clean water, meds, housing, safe food and goods and services.

    It’s bad if it means: the most profit for useless shit that people only buy because advertisment made them believe they need it.

    Capitalism is a tool. Please let’s grow a pair and stop letting it decide how it will be used. It’s like pulling the trigger on an ak47 without holding it tight. Do we expect the weapon to know where to shot?

    Capitalism is a tool that wants to maximize its profits. Unfortunately it discovered that changing the politics and laws is an easy way to do that, even if it’s bad for the people.

    Capitalism is per definition not bound to ethics or moral. We need to set rules, even if big corporations made us to believe we shouldn’t.

  • Is nobody concerned about this:

    Behind the wall, an army of robots, also powered by new Nvidia robotics processors, will assemble your food, no humans needed. We’ve already seen the introduction of these kinds of ‘labor-saving’ technologies in the form of self-checkout counters, food ordering kiosks, and other similar human-replacements in service industries, so there’s no reason to think that this trend won’t continue with AI.

    not being seen as the paradise? It’s like the enterprise crew is concerned about replicators because people will lose their jobs.

    This is madness, to be honest, this is what humankind ultimately should evolve into. No stupid labour for anyone. But the truth is: capitalism will take care of that, it will make sure, that not everyone is free but that a small percentage is more free and the rest is fucked.There lies the problem not in being able to make human labour obsolete.