I don’t know, I remember hearing that everything would soon be IPV6 a couple decades ago.
I don’t know, I remember hearing that everything would soon be IPV6 a couple decades ago.
A fucking livable minimum wage to start at. Universal health care for another. Free, or very inexpensive, education for a third. Basic things that other countries seem able to do.
Never trust someone religious. By definition they are ruled by fairy tales, and that’s not a rational approach to living.
It’s freaking hilarious how untrustworthy China is, yet the US still trips over themselves to buy Chinese crap. The capitalist race to the bottom in full effect, from the economy to the gov’t.
What would you use for a synonym for based? I keep seeing that used. I always thought it was just some alt-right meme bullshit, but I’m learning I was wrong. I still don’t get the use. My mind always thinks “based on what?”
Going back to the most famous code comment in Unix history
You are not expected to understand this