Honestly I don’t recall my schools ever having a “school nurse”. I assume most of the teachers were trained in first aid. I went to school in Ontario. Are school nurses an American thing?
Honestly I don’t recall my schools ever having a “school nurse”. I assume most of the teachers were trained in first aid. I went to school in Ontario. Are school nurses an American thing?
It should also be noted here (you know, TL;DR) that it’s also fixed in:
Firefox ESR 115.3.1
Firefox Focus for Android 118.1
Firefox for Android 118.1
Thunderbird 115.3.1
I graduated in the 2000’s and the only falsehood from this list I remember being taught was the one about taste buds.
Are you fucking high or just stupid?
The word is pedo. Or goof, or nonce, etc. Let’s not give them any legitimacy by using their language.
I’m with you. Lot of goofs in this thread. Fucking hell.
Yeah a lot of the comments, and votes in this thread are really gross.
Pedophilia is not akin to being gay (and kindly fuck off with that tyvm). It’s akin to rape, or sexual sadism (and I mean real, violent sadism, not roleplay). It is a predatory inclination and @nxsfi is right - trying to frame it as an “orientation” does sound like MAP acceptance rhetoric.
Well you see the catholic church doesn’t have much experience with unwanted pregnancies, since they mostly stick to diddling kids.
We have a very clean coastline in Canada. Perfectly straight.
Wtf? No. Fuck all the way off.
From the name, I’m guessing somewhere in Finland? Nice pic :)
I dunno about all this, I just play games from Atari, NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Playstation, etc. Maybe I’m simple but I’m also having fun :P
Humans truly are the monsters in this story.
Yes, a nightmare I had as a child, many years ago (around 30ish). I was in a desert/beach…the air was dusty and orange-tinted. There was a gazebo made of wood, almost rotting or rotten, and a giant golem who trapped me in a wooden box. The whole thing was terrifying, and dry and hot.
Well fucking said.