Your particular commute might not be feasible without a car, but many are. Adding bike infrastructures allows those who can commute by bike to do so, while freeing space on the road for those who can’t…
Your particular commute might not be feasible without a car, but many are. Adding bike infrastructures allows those who can commute by bike to do so, while freeing space on the road for those who can’t…
Most people will think traffic behave like water that you need to send through a network of pipes. It is not, traffic is made of humans and humans reactions will make traffic behave wildly differently than waters in pipes.
The exact reasons for the increase in traffic is complex and my example could be totally off. But we don’t need to know the exact reason for the increase in traffic, we know it happens because it has been observed on every road enlargement projects in the last decades.
Je sais pas, j’ai pas pensé pour l’instant
Ça résume assez bien
Attention, on ne peut pas additionner simplement les résultats des Européennes et espérer obtenir un chiffre réaliste pour les législatives. Il y avait environ 52% de participation aux européennes et on peut supposer sans risque une plus grosse participation aux législatives.
Où iront les voix de ceux qui n’ont pas votés aux européennes est une inconnue encore plus grande.
Is it possible that the native card reader is slower than the usb-c one ? Maybe a bus bandwidth issue ?
Basically all i kno about haiti is: only country to successfully throw off colonizers
Not exactly. Other countries have done that (the US for example). What sets Haiti apart is that they are the first and only successful slave revolt. Slaves gained their freedom through revolt, which terrified every nations that used slaves (basically every Western powers and their colonies at the time).
They both have the same goal of reperability and the same shortcoming (being way more pricy than competitors with the same performances). Buy one gets roasted and not the other.
There are many windows machines that never run any game (corporate issued work laptop for example). What this says is that Linux machines are more likely to be personal machines in which you can play games.
In theory yes. In practice or will require enormous resources to build a case against the army of layers that Google and the other giants can afford. I believe only the government now is big enough to do it, with the antitrust law.