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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2020
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I think this model is the future for all media, but without a middleman and automatically distributed based on time spent listening (or reading or watching etc). but the fan decides how much they give per month, while if we get the total given to get high enough, more and more artists adopt the model. also, FW needs to get artist focused. they could replace Bandcamp. lot of pieces still need to get built but maybe we could organize to make this happen. #ccmusic
I think this model is the future for all media, but without a middleman and automatically distributed based on time spent listening (or reading or watching etc). but the fan decides how much they give per month, while if we get the total given to get high enough, more and more artists adopt the model. also, FW needs to get artist focused. they could replace Bandcamp. lot of pieces still need to get built but maybe we could organize to make this happen. #ccmusic