Does that work? I suspect the DRM content would not show.
Some streaming is not possible even when you can view it on the monitor.
I suspect that happens on the video driver or Windows rendering subsystem - where OBS would capture. I had issues like that trying to stream to my TV IIRC.
Can you watch the video on the page? If so I would use OBS Studio to screen record it. If not, no idea, good luck!
Searching “github download webpage video” gives this and more results to try.
Does that work? I suspect the DRM content would not show.
Some streaming is not possible even when you can view it on the monitor.
I suspect that happens on the video driver or Windows rendering subsystem - where OBS would capture. I had issues like that trying to stream to my TV IIRC.
A quick search on OBS gives me - supporting my suspicion -
I think OBS will not work for this DRM stuff, you need a video capture card and directly record the video signal.