And I’m sure it’s annoying you too. You can’t view a single YouTube video anymore anywhere one is posted, without that stupid notification popping up. Which forces you to have to go to the shitty YouTube site, log in, hope through whatever verification checks that there is and finally, you can watch the video.

Isn’t there a way anymore where people can just link videos and for them to play? Fuck you, Google.

    3 days ago

    Interesting, I do use Freetube on laptop but it’s been finicky about when it wants to work lately. I figured it was more of YT blocking bs.

    I tried Newpipe for Android and it wouldn’t work, so I went to the fork PipePipe which does work better, but at some point I had to login so it could use my API because YT blocked that too. Plus PipePipe can scan NicoNico videos and Bilibili videos.

    How good is Freetube on android?

      3 days ago

      I love it and yes, sometimes youtube makes a breaking change that any dev needs to find a work around for.

      I use freetube on both because I can manage subscriptions better on it, and export to newpipe or freetube desktop easily. Freetube also includes sponsor block which is great.

      I also keep newpipe on my phone as a backup since sometimes it works when freetube doesn’t. I auto-update freetube from fdriod but let obtainum auto-update newpipe straight from their git repo so I know I got a good chance if having at least one working app.

      I haven’t tried pipepipe, it’s been a long time since I watched a billibilli vid. (BGM!!!)