Canada has avoided the severe egg shortages and soaring prices seen in the U.S. due to differences in farming practices and regulations.
While avian flu has devastated large American egg farms, Canada’s smaller farms and tightly sealed barns have limited the impact.
The U.S.’s industrialized egg industry, driven by cost efficiency, is vulnerable to supply shocks when outbreaks occur.
Canada’s supply management system ensures stable production and restricts imports, keeping farms smaller. Meanwhile, U.S. consumers face continued egg price surcharges and supply pressures.
i’m kind of surprised us hasnt just been disregarding the avian flu and used the diseased chickens as if there was nothing wrong, that would fit with everything else going on
RFK Jr seems to be leaning that way right now, suggesting they should just let it spread.
really good time to go vegan. fucking american plague rats.
I’m vegan, usually, because the meditations I want cannot be reached when I’m not.
Please try intermittently supplementing with Choline if you go vegan: choline-deficiency produces a “chronic fatigue syndrome” condition.
I need 2x tablets / day, when vegan, so 200mg actual-choline, in 500mg of choline bitartrate.
I don’t want other people having the damn years of difficulties I had, for no reason.
Simply try it, & if it consistently removes vegan-chronic-fatigue-syndrome from your life, THEN that was the cause, & make that supplementation permanent.
I’m not saying all will be so affected, but fscking years I wasted trying to find the cause of that part of my health-problems…
it’s an actual chemical-requirement, for some.
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I’ve been vegan before. I know how much of a pain nutritional balancing can be. My diet tends to be pretty high in soy potatoes and broccoli. really miss real potatoes and broccoli.
As someone in a household with a lot of egg allergies, a lot of the vegan substitutes these days are surprisingly good. A scramble or omelet using Just Egg is surprisingly similar to the real deal, and the egg substitute powder from Bob’s Red Mill is good for a lot of baking.
I use Bob’s red mill egg replacer for baking by default to save my eggs for breakfast, and tho I’ve never done a one-to-one comparison, it has always satisfied my baking needs.
for me it’s not just about the egg shortage; I don’t trust meat or dairy from here to be safe anymore. but.
you need to spam the front page with this.