U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to impose far larger tariffs on the European Union and Canada if they work together to combat trade tariffs.
They are the ones already owning the companies. It’s not like the middle class had much of the ownership lol
“The bottom 90% of Americans own approximately 7% to 11% of all stocks. This highlights the significant concentration of stock ownership among the wealthiest individuals in the U.S. .”
Trump is hurting the rich. Which is hilarious because it’s not like he has anyone else’s interests in mind ahahaha
They are the ones already owning the companies. It’s not like the middle class had much of the ownership lol
“The bottom 90% of Americans own approximately 7% to 11% of all stocks. This highlights the significant concentration of stock ownership among the wealthiest individuals in the U.S. .”
Trump is hurting the rich. Which is hilarious because it’s not like he has anyone else’s interests in mind ahahaha
Oh yeah, his top buddy Putin
The wealthy can always try to own more.
Each time this happens, it’s another transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top.
The top takes more, and the bottom has to fight amongst themselves for a smaller and smaller piece of the pie.