• socsa@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Damn, people here really misunderstand the threat surface. The Google VPN is just fine for staying safe from things like rogue wifi hotspots and even Stingray devices to some extent. It’s also makes it much harder for your ISP to data mine your web activity. Obviously if you have an Android device using Google services, Google already has access to pretty much any information they might get from the VPN service. If you are de-Googled, then obviously you’d never use this.

    For the vast majority of people, privacy should be what happens outside of your curated public image. Everyone has a public image. If you try to be completely dark all the time, chances are you will slip up and just end up in an even worse position because you don’t understand when or how you’ve lost control. This is counterintelligence 101. Real first day stuff, but so many of the ‘pop-security’ influencers on the internet struggle with it, because they don’t have any practical CI training. However, having a public image doesn’t mean you cede all control to every observer. Obviously there are many choices for VPNs, but for everyday use, this VPN Google bundles with various other products is generally high quality.