Some time ago I gave up using sonarr & radarr to watch (popular) tv shows and movies because the search just stopped giving decent results. Now I heard that rarbg has also quit.

So I am wondering, is this still a thing?

    1 year ago

    fucking lemmy man, wrote out awhole ass answer to this and got deleted. god fucking dammit.

    welp. here goes again.

    headphones is a monthly subscription and not that great, not worth it at all.

    lidarr is garbage and the folks around it are assholes. you iether love it and froth at the mouth when someone says they’re having trouble with it, or you hate it. It also is a fucking resource hog like I’ve never seen. MAJOR memory leaks

    I use Roon and Qobuz, and Nicotine+ for stuff that isn’t on Qobuz. qobuz-dl is really robust and awesome and can do anything you want lidarr to do: just maintain a list of artists in a document, and qobuz-dl will automatically download anything new as it keeps track of what’s already been downloaded before.

    The Roon folks are just as bad as the Lidarr folks. This shit costs $7-800 for a lifetime license and it does’t even include ANY music streaming. It’s just a music server and manager. And they don’t actually have tech support. Literally if you go to their support page, they direct you to a fucking forum full of morons high on the koolaid (bc honestly you have to be if you invested $700 on a shitty music player), tell you to get lost if you don’t like a program with bugs up the ass.

    I would love to make an open source offering that does what roon does but also allows you to automatically download stuff using qobuz-dl, tidal-dl, bandcamp-dl, etc.

      1 year ago

      Headphones only costs money if you want to use their indexer. Ive never paid but does seem like a reasonable way to fund your project.

      Why are the lidarr devs assholes? Also I have never experienced any memory leaks to my knowledge and the only time it slows down is if I’m trying to match my entire library comes with a bunch ofadditionaldownload scripts like tidall-dl