Ok well howabout this idea. Starting crowd funds to put out hits on the remaining health insurance and big pharma CEO’s. Fuckin drop a name and for $300,000 ill make them gone.
Ok well howabout this idea. Starting crowd funds to put out hits on the remaining health insurance and big pharma CEO’s. Fuckin drop a name and for $300,000 ill make them gone.
Fuck yeah the civil war is exactly thr type of scenario i knew i couldn’t think of. I fuckin love that you also gave me a list of historical events I’m not super familiar with to look up too. Thank you for this comment🍻
FYI for grammar:
“unemployedness” = unemployment
“and therefore homelessness” should be “and subsequent homlessness”
“Therefore” is more of a cause and effect thing meaning the effect needs the cause for it to happen. In your case the word subsequent adds the importance of order, one then the other, because homelessness doesn’t only happen as a result of being unemployed but still delineates that unemployment can lead to homelessness.
I think. I’m not a fuckin English major lol🍻
Edit to address your comment’s point: Whats wrong with fat people? It’s a lifestyle choice. They’re ignorance of what is healthy is a burden on their family, on the Healthcare system, and in most cases a burden on the people they work with. However, they are the biggest burden on people with chronic illnesses not caused by obesity but are also found in people with obesity. Example: Type 1 Diabetics. The amount of funding that goes into drugs for type 2 when at the end of the day, all the fat fucks need to do is eat healthy and exercise for their Type 2 diabetes to go away. Meanwhile all that money could be going to better treatment facilities, better insulin prices, more funding towards a cure for people with juvenile diabetes aka Type 1 diabetics whose illness is largely genetic and is a lifelong chronic ailment. My favorite internet story is one where a guy called his best friend a fat fuck until his BFF dropped the weight lol. So there are also positive out comes that could be had bybreplacing incel hate with hating on the fat fucks of the world.
And to add to this point for everyone saying how high the number is, that’s how all geopolitical negotiations work. Trumpnjust doesn’t shut his mouth so we’re hearing the initial ridiculously higher proposal. I’d be willing to bet if this goes through the actual number is guna be closer to 2-2.5 billion. Half of the initial proposal. Not because Trump is fuckin savy but because that’s how this shit usually works.
Ukraine is getting the military support to hold its own. Plus a country’s ability to hold and repay debt is what the global economy runs on so having good credit with US will likely help them in the long run.
Hahaha you chose the only argument that could’ve sounded dumber than the OP comment🤣
No, but to make a post about how “cringe and icky” you feel is pretty fuckin cringe.
It also doesn’t make a ton of sense to be fine with America through the duration of Trump’s first presidency (which started 8 years ago and ended 4 years ago) but to feel icky for his second presidency??
Which also implies that Biden was the turning point for your loss of patriotism.
Something tells me this might be the first election you were old enough to vote in. And if that’s the case, I hate to break it to ya but each election season is always better than the next.
Oh yeah Mr. Smartypants then why does my morning bowl of grass clippings and milk taste nothing like frosted mini wheats?!?!
Adderall: 12
Hydrocodone: 14
Weed: 15
Coke: 15
Psilocybin: 17
LSD: 17
Oxycotin: 20
Crack: 23
Fentanyl: 25
Currently 37 and found my comfort zone with just adderall and weed. Don’t get me wrong if I run into percocets I’ll gobble them up but I don’t want any drugs bad enough to actively look for them. Drug dealers are fuckint obnoxious to deal with.
Oh fuuuuuuuuuck yeah and at the same time oh fuuuuuuck no. I don’t think I can do the Archer thing at 37 by preventing an accumulated hangover killing me by never stop drinking like I did in my early 20’s. I rarely drank to point of sloppy drunk because of all the extra circular activities I consumed (adderall and cocain) but I could drink sun up to sun up in my hay day playing chef in my local city’s downtown restaurant seen. It was balls deep in the Anthony Bordain is a god era while he was still alive.
My normal routine that applies to most cooks/chefs in that environment and time period:
Wake up (or stop drinking for 3 hrs and only do amphetamines or coke to prepare for work) go to work.
Pour first pint glass of cheap champagne and oj for vitamins.
Make steak and eggs for bfast.
Start the day’s prep work.
Get your mise en place ready and upgrade your glass to a mini pitcher of mimosa to prepare for dinner rush battle.
Have your last smoke for the evening meditating like a samurai before battle
Give out one last battle cry as the sea of fat fucking assholes storm the gate slaughtering the typically weak front of house crew.
Blackout like will ferral in the debate scene from Old School letting muscle memory take hold and the magic happen.
Communicate communicate communicate
Yell to the prep minions to have 3qty, half gram lines chalked up ASAP.
First up is fryer to take their line while saute covers fryer
Fryer comes back and saute goes for their line while grill and fryer cover saute.
The last is grill who does his line on the line cuz saute brings it back with them for gill to toot away.
Throw a glass or plate at the dishwashers just to make sure they aren’t too high or too faded to keep up.
After first seating moves to second you switch from the pitcher of mimosa or all champagne to whiskey and diet. (type 1 diabetic so gotta keep things healthy, plus I never liked taking insulin shots thru a film of oil, galic, onion and grease that coveres your skin while cooking and yes it seeps thru all clothes so its a head to toe thing)
Keep same routine thru the next 3-4 hours till dinner menus are pulled around 10:30-11 usually popping a couple adderall in that window too.
Clean up station and leave a line for whoever has to cover bar orders.
Change out of chef clothes without showering.
Powder the balls with some corn starch to combat the kitchen dick sweat lingering.
Make a wygu beef bacon cheddar burger.
Do an end of shit tooter and pony up to the bar around 12.
Women see that you navigate the place like you own it and for some reason drunk women find that appealing making it soooooo much easier to hook up than it is just going to a random bar.
If no prospective woman available then check the bar next door that was 100% not a bar restaurant so usually run into someone I knew there and if not just play pool or chill for a couple more hours.
At next door bar, switch from whiskey diet to IPAs.
Hop back next door to the restaurant around 3am when shit is dying down getting ready for last call.
Play darts at restaurant with bouncers till last call.
Wait for place to clear out and fire up the deep fryers. (except on Thursdays when they got cleaned)
Cook up an absurd amount of wings and anything else you could imagine that could be deep fried for the bartenders and bar backs.
Whip up some truffle crusted bacon and asparagus white cheddar mac and cheese for myself. (No joke, add bacon and chopped asparagus to your homemade Mac and cheese)
Continue drinking and chillan till bartenders are done counting registers.
Leave restaurant around 5am, go home with either just roommate or a group of after partiers but regardless of who was coming with we always had another ball for sitting on the porch overlooking our city’s beautiful downtown cemetery. Seriously it was a hidden haven because it was 1 or 2 blocks from the you dont wanna live over there area and 1-2 blocks from millionaires row but because of the cemetery thst really is beautiful, we had a good buffer between us and the crack heads that break into cars.
Rinse repeat reset. The only time it changed was when there were one night stands who came over early in the night for a tastenof some kitchen dick loljk if they came over I showered, I only ever gave out the kitchen dick if she insists on going to her place and they were really attractive because I’d be too embarrassed to ask to shower.
Edit: figure I’d edit in some life pro tips for anyone who wants to rage when they grow up:
Adderall is better than cocain 100% of the time with less come down, affordable prescription costs compared to $70-$100/gram for coke that lasts 2 hrs.
Dont fucking do shots.
Listen to your grandpapi’s limricks or whatever the fuck they’re called, the sayings like “beer before liquor never been sicker licker before beer your in the clear,” but extend it out to all drinks. Don’t increase the alcohol content of your beverage choice more than the last beverage’s alcohol content. The mimosas were to maintain a level of sober without getting hung over but once you start to feel the alcohol kick in you go mixed drinks and then everything after should be less alcohol or then the last selection. This advice is for drunken longevity and not for preventing hangover.
To prevent hangover, drink vodka or ultra light beers, it’s the sugar content that increases dehydration that increases hangovers. Thats why shit like tequila and margarita mix will make you feel like death the next day.
Don’t buy drugs from people you don’t know.
Don’t use opiates to come down from uppers because it’s a habit you’ll never stop. Even if you stopped the uppers you are committing yourself to lifetime of opiates.
Adderall to drinking is the red mushroom to little Mario. You feel your self getting too tipsy pop an Addy or 5 and BAMBAMBABA SUPER MARIO. Shit does a good job regrouping your physical abilities as well as cognitive and will give you another 3-8hrs of drinking.
Full disclaimer tho, I’m not someone who doesn’t really have adhd but gets prescribed adhd meds. I have tested in the severe adhd tier with multiple shrinks and still do. The point is my brain doesn’t work like most so the affect that drugs have on me are also very different than with most other people. I’m a very robust person so I do have battle cries but not from cocaine. When I do cocain I want to do my taxes or clean my room. I have never had the cocain experience of RAAAAAAA IM UN-FUCKING-STOPPABLE like I’ve seen just about everyone else have. The point being, don’t pop amphetamines like they’re pez like I did with out know how it affects you.
I thought those were different at every stadium kinda like the helmet messages where they get picked by the player. Don’t the teams pick what is on the end zones? I have season tickets to the Bills and have never noticed the endzone message say stop racism I’ve never actually looked at the message so I don’t know exactly what it says but I think their message was always “Stop hate”
Nope. Haven’t watched a single super bowl since before the 13 second game where the Bills lost to the Chiefs in the divisional round. The game was so much less painful to watch when the Bills never made the playoffs for 17 years. Now it’s too heart breaking
100% right and I don’t doubt the woman from the article feels the same but if you want to add weight to informing a company they fucking suck you use terms like loyal or committed or something similar that adds the red flag to corporate that their actions are affecting their customer retention bottom line.
Edit: I feel I need to add, “in most cases.” Kinda hard for this to affect companies who are aloud to have monopolies over an industry because it throws customer retention concerns out the window. But I stand by my comment because I still think the verbiage used in the email is just the standard way of addressing corporate ran entities.
Got it and totally agree.
I’m still learning how to use markdowns for text so I didn’t know if it was a markdown of a format lemmy on sync app didn’t recognize or maybe it was missing a part of the markdown.
I dont get what you are trying to say, what is the relevance to the discussion of underdogs vs Goliaths and their being viewed as an optimist or pessimist? Also what’s up with the asterisks? I can’t tell if you are implying the trauma makes them underdogs or if their feats make them the giants.
So I just had this realization that I think is what you are describing and I have genuinely never noticed it until the comment I replied to in the screenshot from this earlier in this thread. (I’m on mobile and don’t know how to link comments so I just screenshotted it. If you can’t read it then just look at the comments a couple below yours.)
Jesus just describing how they can be considered underdogs sounds like a statement of support for them. That’s so wild and have never noticed this affect before your comment. Even knowing the purpose of your comment was to show how the underdog is the bad guy.
So I thought about the confirmation bias affect and feel like it wasn’t overly relevant anymore even though it has been in the past. I do not doubt there were stories of the hero conquering savages but as we see it now those depictions are largely understood as the conquering nation being the bad guy.
If anything confirmation bias in today’s history books happens through omiting of unfavorable shit governments do.
I don’t understand the purpose of the link to a list of serial killers. Assuming this is your way of saying a serial killer is an under dog and bad person, do you care to explain why a serial killer is an under dog? They’re killing 1 person at a time usually and they are usually going to kill the person using a tool or weapon while the other person is unarmed and unknowing to what is happening. Or am I missing something?
Just because you are uneducated on a topic doesn’t make it nonsense.