• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The reason they have to manipulate the audience is because people look for validation and so feel good when other people react to things in the same way as them. If another equally funny show has a laugh track and you don’t, yours will likely be less enjoyable to watch unless it’s a specific form of humour which benefits from not having a laugh track.

    Basically a laugh track can’t save a terrible show, but it can manipulate people into finding a mediocre show more enjoyable to watch, but a mediocre show will make people laugh organically at least a few times anyway.

  • it’s very rare in any language, complexity at the start is not uncommon, but complexity at the end is, also the ordering of the consonant types and the fact there’s two fricatives in a row at the end, it’s not just a word that not only has no place existing, but also one that should be so unstable it’d change to something less complex in decades at most, yet it’s stayed pretty consistent for a while

    It’s also actually 4 consonants as there’s an unwritten k in many accents, or ng is pronounced as ŋg in others, so stɹɛŋ(k|g|∅)θs

  • Liberalism is just letting people do what they want so long as it doesn’t interfere with letting people doing what they want

    Support gay marriage? That’s liberal.

    Support corporations paying people 30¢ per hour for 18h workdays? That’s liberal.

    Support people having access to HRT and abortions? That’s liberal.

    Support people owning guns? That’s liberal.

    Support unrestricted immigration and trade? That’s liberal.

    The problem is it doesn’t fit in with the US definition of “left” and “right” - it’s economically far right but socially far left, and most Americans just cannot understand that

  • Yeah even gpt4o couldn’t keep track of encounters, run battles etc. in my case…

    I think if you wanted to do it mechanically consistently you’d probably need to integrate it into a vtt where you give it context and potentially fine-tune it to give quest related summaries & gming rather than just “stuff”

  • Yeah, of course it varies place to place but I think for the majority of at least somewhat developed countries and urban areas in less developed countries 50Mbps is a reasonable figure for “normal home internet” - even at 25Mbps you’re looking at 4½ hours for 50GB which is very doable if you leave it going while you’re at work or just in the background over the course of an evening

    Edit: I was curious and looked it up. Global average download is around 50-60Mbps and upload is 10-12Mbps.

  • That’s not even applicable here, and I thought we’d moved past spouting that on every post when it became apparent that meta actually weren’t trying to kill the fediverse

    The whole point is developing products to an open source standard, adding unneeded or complex features to ensure competition can’t keep up and gain market share, then shutting down your product and killing the whole standard.

    How does buying a company that makes proprietary products then closing down that company even come close to being the same thing?