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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The difference would be the phrasing and specifics. “Magically switch trans people to the assigned sex at birth that they desire to be?” Works for some. “Magically make trans people’s bodies align with their specific and nuanced gender identity” is less of an issue. The problem you run into with the first is some are not interested in surgeries or are non binary so a full surprise sex swap would not be what some trans people want.

    I still think consent is important though, even if the way the magic works is basically “they get what they want”. As much as it is hard to imagine, there are also trans people who do not want to transition at all due to having family or friends who would cut them off (I think that’s a pretty awful and tragic situation to be in, but imagine the trans woman who magically changes to the shock and anger of her deeply religious family or SO, who then ostracize or reject her, or even react violently). You aren’t likely to be murdered for recovering from cancer, but in some places magically shifting assigned sex might come with some pretty awful, bigoted strings attached

  • Been playing age of wonder 4 with a friend, I really like that you can build your own factions and faction leaders, though I’d def install the fair play ai mod, since the ai is a lot less annoying with it.

    Also void crew, its sort of like sea of thieves in space, but very much still in early access and has some obvious issues(AA seems to not work at all for me lol). Its fun so far tho.

  • It isnt though. Check out the phawx on YouTube, he’s done extensive testing.

    The truth is you can underclock the 7840u but it still is less efficient at those lower wattages. I think if I remember the data right it crosses over around 12watt tdp to being as efficient then more powerful at higher clocks, but at 10w and lower the custom apu in the deck is king. The new apu for the oled deck is even more efficient at those levels too.

    The point I think they’re trying to make is right now nothing can beat the performance for the power at lower tdp right now, and so they want to wait for newer and better apus so they can maintain the size and battery life a best as possible, while keeping it relatively accessible cost wise.

    I own a win max 2 and I can tell you that as nice as that extra 10% performance is, I spent around $1200 and my SO spent $500ish on their deck. That’s why valve isn’t making a deck 2.0, to hit those higher performance benchmarks the cost raises exponentially, and it isn’t worth it right now for them.