Vegetables in general.
Except Lima beans. You can go FUCK YOURSELF!!
Vegetables in general.
Except Lima beans. You can go FUCK YOURSELF!!
NPR was just discussing this a few minutes ago.
The Democrats put the majority of their push behind abortion thinking that would be the turn out vote and it didn’t seem to be.
More people voted for Trump because of the economy based on exit polling and (surprisingly) more women voted for him this time as well.
There was also more votes coming from younger people who hadn’t been through a recession before and were just basically voting ‘opposite party’ because they were tired of their money going nowhere. The voting trend was something that had been seen in several other countries recently.
Was just thinking - why does the Catholic Church have one of the C’tan captured - but then again that would probably explain a whole lot.
We’ve poisoned our planet for the last 100+ years and now we are dying off slowly from the fruits of our labor.
The irony.
They just need someone with a unique yet zany mustache to step forward as leader now.
Just imagine cocaine bread though. 🤔
The US government now uses it to charge people indiscriminately. I see the term in my local headlines once a month, at least, where someone gets tagged with this BS charge.
As one person said I used to think ‘dear God they must have a nuke in the basement’ but anymore you find out the person just had a sawed off shotgun or possibly the parts for a homemade silencer and a prosecutor got an instant hard on.
Because what sane person, who upon walking into their home and finding a loved one unconscious (or even worse :dead:) doesn’t reach for their blender.
Amiright, guys??
Would be a shame if something bad happened to fuck up that port and made it, unusable. 🤔
‘The warship’s commander “is a big ‘Star Wars’ fan’
Lmao the commander is a top tier troll. I mean who wouldn’t love to float a giant grey warship down the Thames blasting the Imperial March??
You are correct.
Same thing happened to Nest. The cameras and thermostats were great when they were a private company then sh*t the bed when Google took them over.
Google stopped support of their app almost immediately in support of ‘Google Home’ which was to control the thermostat and Camera - which is terrible and requires you to constantly log into it with your email and password if you want to access anything.
This is such a frivolous lawsuit. Logitech is going to
crushimplode them if they even have to go to trial.
There. Fixed it for you.
Taking lessons from Elon.
Maybe they need to charge users a monthly fee and add blue check marks. Lol
Interesting. So does it slow down your speeds any that you can tell?
I keep seeing this posted here and elsewhere. Is there a simple, easy step-by-step explanation for how to build one of these and how to deploy it on your home network?
I’ve got very limited experience with working with Raspberry Pi.
The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound
A bomb placed two months ago? Geeze, not protected very well by these guys now was it.
I wonder how many more ‘bombs’ are sitting elsewhere waiting to go off.
I see Snoop Dog.
Choo Choo! Morherfuckers!!
Ah the weekly Cybertruck recall