• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • And yet, here you are, arguing for a genocide. Calling people who recognize it as such “naive” for not understanding how justified this genocide is! Don’t he know how evil that palastinian civilian population is? Don’t he know that they had it coming? That they deserve it? That it’s the only way to stop them? I do not care for your justifications when the thing your justifying is ideals of ethnic cleansing, apartheid and genocide. I do not care for whatever justifications you tell yourself to hide the shame that you ain’t any different than a swastika wearing son of a bitch.

  • Soulless, heartless, justifier of genocide. I ain’t talking to ya. I ain’t even reading it. There’s no amount of information to justify what Israel has done. Even if Hamas was everything you want to believe they are, the embodiment of pure evil, that still wouldn’t justify genocide. Just cause it’s a “war” doesn’t mean you can just blow up civilian buildings and shoot humanitarian workers. Bet your the kind of mindless scumbag who thinks the nukes were justified too. Targeting civilians means nothing to you.

    I hope one day you could be on the receiving end of someone else’s ““justified war””. Live in the shoes of a person born on the wrong side of the border. Maybe that perspective of watching your family and friends and neighbors die on a daily basis would change you.

  • Did you know there are Jewish palastinians? On top of that, Palestinians are semitic. You can’t call racist when the group I’m defending is in the same racial group and contains religious Jewish folk. It ain’t about being Jewish, it’s about the fact I have seen palastinians getting shot in the street for literally my whole life. My whole life I’m hearing news every now and then how Israel overstepped again and ethnically cleanse an area of palastinians. How they kicked palastinians out of their home. I’ve seen videos of Israeli settlers kicking palastinians out of their home at gunpoint saying that the state sold them the house. It’s a state doing a genocide. It isn’t “the Jews” you fucking moron. It’s the state of Israel. Interesting how you see Israel as being an ethnostate but don’t see their removal of natives as genocide. But that’s what happens when you don’t think about your ideas longer than 5 seconds.

  • Just Incase it could make you reconsider, the game is disturbing in a myriad of ways, basically designed to touch deeply any person who engaged with it. It should be thought of less as a game ment to be enjoyable and more like art that you “should” experience. Though I understand it isn’t for everyone. Hell, vast majority of people who think it is for them dont finish the first day of the game. But there is a message in that game worth seeing. Either way, I had to try one more time. I respect your decision either way.

  • I play both overwatch and counter strike. While overwatch does a great job of making sure I don’t see slurs most of the time, the community is toxic af. I can’t go a single game without someone saying “tank diff, DPS diff, support diff” and whatever else directed insult they got.

    Counterstrike on the other hand, surprisingly wholesome. Many games players will say good try after you fail and be pretty supportive. Sometimes you get assholes who just say slurs cause they can of course but that’s like, once or twice a month. Overwatch is literally every god damn match minus the slur part.

  • Man. I’ve been staring at this box trying to find the words for why you should play Pathologic 2. It’s hard, especially without spoiling anything. It is a game about a surgeon named artemy burakh who is tasked by fate to save a town from a plague. It is as if Russian Literature grew legs and used them to kick you in the dick. It is emotionaly a lot. It is skillfully a lot. It is mentally a lot and you are on a time limit and it is not fair. But it has a message for you. There is a beauty to that message and if I could I would force every person on this planet to experience it.

    But you will have to bleed for it. Please play it.

  • I love the concept but honestly I can’t solve shit. I even got a side mission once to take a picture of a vague description of a person who lived on the 4th floor of an apartment. Thankfully there was only one apartment on that floor. Unfortunately there were two people who lived there. And neither matches any of the descriptors.

    And that’s the side jobs. Murder? Forget about it, I got no clue.

    Any idea where I could learn?

  • Brother, this is basic violence begets violence response. I ain’t over here clapping and cheering as Hamas executes Israelies. I am mourning. But I also recognize that Hamas is a monster of Israel’s creation and it will not go away without either recognizing that and making actual change to the lives of palastinians and giving them their land back and self determination.

    Or genocide the palastinians.

    Those are the two options. Hamas wasn’t the first form of palastinian resistance and it won’t be the last. That’s basic. So if we wanna sit here and talk “psycho response”, I suggest you consider why your on team genocide.