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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • Because I can dictate instantly into the Reminders app, without even unlocking my phone, it leaps over executive disfunction issues quite often.

    Hold the power button for 2 seconds and say “add oatmeal and blueberries and coffee to the Groceries list” then go back to my task.

    When I get to the store the list is grouped by type, mostly.

    Or I say “remind me to call the doctor’s office at 9AM tomorrow” and it goes into the default list and the task notifies me at the right time. For the stuff I inevitably brush off, there’s a widget on my home screen that nags me so I can nurture my guilt lol.

    So, I am leaning heavily into Apple’s built in ecosystem for keeping track of things (more private, in theory, as well). I have a about a dozen lists that I add to verbally. Some of those lists are geographically activated so I get notifications when I drive into town that I need to pick up a package, etc.

  • Our local high school cafeteria program has been running a sophisticated version of this without the biogas element for years. Fish in very large tanks feed the leafy greens hydroponics growing in ranks of pipes on the walls, it’s very productive. Greens get used in the popular cafeteria (open to the public) and also the salad food truck they run in the summer months. Fish used are tilapia. Power is solar.

    The students studying food services get a lesson in energy systems and food sourcing as well as running a business. Superb food, too. All mostly due to one chef-teacher with vision.

  • Yeah I was pointing out that the prison system may be completely ineffective where it’s based on punishment. It’s a critical view, not prescriptive, and designing a new system requires a revolutionary approach, with consideration for the needs of the victims as well as the mental state of the perpetrators.

    I wasn’t proposing anything pat and simple like one-size-fits-all incarceration, completely the opposite, actually. Maybe forever in prison, maybe no jail time. Justice, in terms of repairing things for a victim, might mean a lifelong burden for the convicted, or something else entirely. It would necessarily be complex. More emotional, less rational people would have a problem with that since they can’t see justice without punishment.

  • We learn over and over again from our various texts-of-wisdom, be it fables or scripture or novels or movies, that revenge is a primitive response to problems. It’s the moral of so many stories, right?

    Yet we organize society to satisfy these immature desires. Punishment, for the most part, is neither deterrent nor corrective, and a paltry form of redress.

    Do you want justice? Start with redress. You can’t fix the problem of a dead child but the victims need proper support, to alleviate all the other issues caused by the crime. In Canada the prison system is called “corrections” but it mostly fails at that… rehabilitation requires an evidence-based system to succeed, and ours is built on punishment, an emotional response.

    If you want deterrence, well that requires eliminating poverty and supplying real education, backed by proactive and robust mental health services.

    I define justice as the best possible outcome of a bad situation.

  • Yeah, but that’s just it, there is no one thing that fulfils all your needs if you are forced to use a particular tool, but it lacks privacy or freedom or other features.

    I use chrome because I have to and also am curious and I need to know about how Google runs its shit. I run Firefox because of various features it has that are good for web development. I run Safari because it is fast and relatively private outside of the Apple ecosystem And has some great developer tools.

    The effort of one keyboard twitch to move from one browser to the other is not really any amount of friction for me. It’s easier than switching from one tab to another inside the same browser, so I don’t get your fixation on a single tool.

    And as a PS, I won’t touch Brave with a 10 foot pole anymore because of their Fuckery with crypto.