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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • To add to the splitting thing, it says very specifically in my elvanse panphlet that you shouldn’t split it. Even if it didn’t I would be very difficult to split such a tiny dose of powder accurately, and getting a consistent dose everyday is important.

    I take the same dose as you, and like you I felt it was a bit much on the first few days. Your body takes some time getting used to them, after two weeks 30 didn’t feel like too much anymore. It feels just right, it raises my heartbeat a bit 2 hours after I take it, and a bit later it evens out.

  • We were in slow traffic and a car is trying to leave a parking lot. We give the other car some space to merge in, and they take it, but for the opposite way (passed us and entered going the opposite way we were going). It was a big infraction of the road rules. Right behind the guy was a cop car, I still remember his face, like “did I really just see this right in front of me?”. The cop turned on the lights and followed the rule breaker, we were laughing our asses off inside the car. The whole thing felt scripted out of a comedy schetch of something.

    A less fun one was during the first lockout of the pandemic, I was standing at the window seeing a cop car slowly going by outside with big loudspeakers: “Stay at home. If you show simptoms of cough of fever call XXX. Stay at home. Mask use in public spaces is mandatory” Felt like the start sequence of a post apocaliptic movie or something.

  • “There are idiots/assholes everywhere”, no direct translation for the word I want in English.

    I don’t mean it in a mean way, just that idiots/assholes can be from any group of people. Two examples:

    Don’t assume a doctor knows everything just because they’re a doctor. Some doctors are idiots/assholes, they might be wrong. Get a second opinion if something they said sound iffy.

    When hearing people generalize from one individual’s behavior (like racism): this one is an idiot/asshole, they are everywhere, including in this group and all other groups too.

  • I don’t think that’s exactly true. As a woman I’ve had situations where I was questioned even when I knew exactly what I was talking about just because it was a traditionally male activity.

    Yes, I know what type of battery I want for my car. Yes, I know it’s uncommon, I checked if you had it in your website before I came here. Yes, I know how to install it and I don’t want to pay you to do it. Shut up and take my money so I can leave.

    I have several stories like this. In home renovation stores men that work there are always super opinionated on the problem that I’m trying to solve. I’m just looking for the supplies I want, I didn’t ask for opinions.

    It doesn’t help that I’m small and look young, but still they should mind their own business.

  • I see so many jokes like this, but I’m the exact opposite. For semi formal things like contacting service providers, taxes, sales and the like I prefer to wait for 30 minutes on a phone call to writing a 5 minute email.

    I get really paralized in writing something that doesn’t sound casual, so I prefer to have a phone call where it’s not expected that I’ll speak as formally as the email I’d have to send to get the same task done.

    One important thing to note here is that in my native language casual and formal written language have a bigger difference compared to English.

  • I use ticktick for medium and long term stuff like

    • monthly payments I can’t automate
    • maintenance tasks (clean filters, check car)
    • fill in taxes

    I like its natural language input, it’s easy enough to just remember something and type it in and get back into what I was doing.

    For short term stuff I use my smartwatch and voice assistents reminders. It leaves my wrist for charging and not much else. (I use Bixby because it integrates well with a Samsung phone, has persistent annoying reminders that don’t go away. Also Google can’t keep their shit straight and just keep a system for two years without killing it). Some examples of that I use my smartwatch for:

    • do laundry in a few days when I just saw its going to be sunny
    • timers for the oven or laundry
    • take non routine medications

    I keep a notebook at my desk for brain dumps and generally as a working memory replacement. I bullet journal on and off every few months, I like it when I’m using it, but as soon as something disrupts my routine it’s gone.

  • I miss the niche communities that I followed on reddit. There was a lot of sharing and discussion of knowledge there and I learned a lot about my hobbies. I feel more alone in my hobbies and interests now, I have no one to talk about them here.

    On the general content side, I’m fine with Lemmy, there’s a lot less to scroll through and I spend a lot less time without feeling like I’m missing out, which is not a bad thing for me. I still can get my jokes, cats and memes in a smaller dose with a lot less reposting than reddit had. Another thing I like about lemmy is that I can interact with the more general content (like right now) without being the billionth comment that no one is going to read anyway