Most of this thread is overlooking familiarity, consistency. Aside from regional/international differences, the mcdouble you order at home is gonna be exactly as the same as the mcdouble ordered 400 miles away. Your usual will be there. Many people aren’t gonna take a chance on Jeff’s Cafe on the road. Jeff’s Cafe doesn’t spend a billion dollars on ads to tell you they still have the same thing you ate a decade ago. People don’t want to spend as much time and effort as it takes to read Jeff’s menu, decide what sounds good, and then see if it matches their expectation.
Tariffs. I worked for a truck equipment company in 2017 when Trump implemented 10% on Chinese steel and 25% on aluminum. My customers just about unanimously voted for Trump. It was pretty amazing to explain I was selling them the same exact equipment made from the same exact Chinese metal, but it now cost more for them to buy. China didn’t give a fuck, China sold the same amount of metal it did as before and it certainly didn’t pay the tariff - that is a US-side payment. That’s how tariffs work.
And no, ignoring the part where American production would be too expensive, we don’t even have the processing capacity here to fire up the mills. It’s not coming back.