It’s not good food… :(
Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
It’s not good food… :(
Same thing I thought lol
Show off. Lol. But thank you for blurring it out. How’d you get it? What, what narrowed the search?
Only the machine knows
I mean, it would explain a lot if I were to find out the machines built this town for the express purpose of being just shitty enough to keep you down without making it so shitty you kill yourself trying to leave…
That’s why I said block out, not black out lol
Genuinely real. Had to block out a sign above that said the town name. Lol.
Firstly, this is fantastic. Did you write it?
Secondly, it’s like the hidden, secret love child of Douglas Adams and Iain Banks’ culture series, that spent weekends with a coked out Terry Pratchett, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read
Are you going for just updating? If so, I’d leave it alone. Culturally it’s ubiquitous and doesn’t require changing.
If you’re thinking more along the lines of a save version of the whole “how do we ensure future people know nuclear waste resides within” then you’re gonna run into the same problems they do, symbols change meaning over time. But if I had to pick something that may be obvious to most people, my vote is a scribe and a pen. Most cultures have writing, most cultures with writing save information by writing it down. There are problems, obviously, but if you gotta pick one, that’s my vote until I hear a better suggestion.
And for what it’s worth, with the nuclear waste sitch, my vote first the atomic priesthood
I will definitely check that out and try to use it before checking marketplace, but I honestly can’t imagine I’ll find anyone selling anything near me. I’m fairly rural, and even the nearest “city” isn’t exactly a thriving metropolis.
Googled it and couldn’t find an answer. WTF is a rumschlumpel?
Only ones I use are YouTube and fb marketplace because Craigslist is totally dead here, but it’s from an alt account I’ve never used for anything at all.
And that needs to be a new copy pasta. I don’t know what the context going forward will be, but that needs to be preserved, enshrined in the sanctified and consecrated halls of internetdom.
I can’t fucking breathe omg
Do you have any idea how bad it hurts to snort laugh while hitting a vape? Do you?
Back when Boomer humor was at least a little anti rich/elite
I have done this twice! I felt so fucking powerful!
I also like the game where there’s 1 second left on the clock from the last time you used it and you put something new in, but instead of clearing the clock you hit start and try to press the 30+ button before the initial 1 second timer is finished, thus tricking the microwave into believing that no time has passed, and that you are eternally heating the same cup of soup
Can I go with them, please?
DM me? I’d love to meet a fellow lemming!
I’ve met a few from the tri cities area on here