Hi guy

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t even know how fast I can type on a phone.

    Even with word completion I find myself hesitating between the choice of word or typing it out.

    I know it’s not near as fast as on a physical keyboard where is used to be around 90-120 wpm if I remember correctly. (Been a while since I had to do that at an employment agency)

    Anyway, it’d be fun to see a thumbs only tiktok/Snapchat typer vs a mechanical typewriter type off.

    And, tbf, most people are far from tech savvy.

    Most are consumers. Some are really good consumers. Some are power users. Some know how to do things.

    Very few actually understand it.

    But, there was a time where there was indeed a necessity if you used the tech, you had to understand it.

  • FF doesn’t really enable full fingerprint resistance by default. But it can.

    These settings are some of what I usually use. All fingerprint values (that are able to be are randomised on every reload of a page.

    Set secutity setting to custom, select known AND suspected fingerprinting > select from dropdown ‘In ALL tabs’

    Also: Because it’s of no value / use to me, and (IMHO) a giant gaping privacy and security issue, I also disable webgl and webrtc, and navigator completely in about:config

    Set the following:

    WebGL webgl.disabled true
    WebGL2 webgl.enable-webgl2 false
    WebRTC media.peerconnection.enabled false
    Navigator media.navigator.enabled false
    RFP privacy.resistFingerprinting true

    RFP options like bounce protection etc can also be enabled in config.

    Check fingerprints on browserleaks.com, coveryourtracks.EFF.org, etc

    Should be 100% unique fingerprint every time.