Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


  • I think paying for blood or other bodily fluids is bad. It provides incentive for desperate people (addicts etc.) to lie on the safety forms to keep getting paid.

    I know a few people who donate blood despite not getting anything in return. I personally stopped donating plasma after a few times for health reasons (nothing dangerous in the plasma itself, luckily). To me, being able to help a hospital or a person by simply sitting back and watching shows on my tablet is probably the easiest, laziest charity you can support. The snacks are nice, too.

    Not everyone can donate blood, but everyone who is able to, you should consider it, even if you won’t get paid for it. You can doom scroll and browse Lemmy like normal, except you’re sitting in a weird chair and get free food.

    I suppose in the shittier countries, where all blood donation stuff is run for-profit, you should let them pay you if they’re making a profit off of you, but I still think it brings a bad incentive.

  • “Best by” often means “will lose taste over time and taste worse by” when it comes to chemical products like these.

    If this stuff contains lots of sugar or no natural compounds at all, give it a try, I guess. Especially if they’re sealed in a box. Trust your senses, don’t try too much at once if you don’t know if it’s still good, and don’t swallow until you’ve verified there’s no taste of rot or other grossness. If you want more safety, have a bottle of vodka ready to rinse your mouth with in case you do notice a bad taste.

    If these powders are completely dry and stored airtight (and the packaging isn’t damaged), you could probably store them for literal decades without a problem. If there’s stored in uncoated cardboard (no sealing lining), maybe treat them as mold infested, even before their expiration date. The way they’re stored makes all the difference.

  • Bluesky people don’t care about federation and the main server is the only relevant one anyway. In theory other platforms like Twitter and Facebook could start speaking ATProto, but I doubt it to be honest.

    The web is controlled by the IETF+WHATWG+some other acronyms but that doesn’t stop Google from inventing stuff like WebBluetooth and putting it in their browsers. Just because a standard is run by the community doesn’t mean it won’t be extended with proprietary options, just that those proprietary options won’t break everyone else’s experience.

  • Android users all kinds of overlays over the sdcard directory. This is part of how it enforces storage access for apps. There’s probably a way to override these settings, but they sure as hell aren’t easy.

    There’s also another layer of permissions somewhere seeing as I can’t access certain files on /sdcard that were created by the recovery. I assume it’s an selinux context issue (it always is).

    Changing ownership should work on real SD cards with normal storage, but it won’t for the emulated internal /sdcard.

  • Bonuses always come with a catch. Stocks are just tricks to make you cover for the company, because if you turn whistleblower you’re going to want to protect your wallet, and selling your stock right before going whistleblower can be seen as market manipulation. That stuff is a nice bonus, but there’s no guarantee you’ll ever receive any value out of them.

    As for 401ks, most people are financially illiterate. They either lack the knowledge or lack the time or energy to figure all that shit out.

    To anyone with stock market experience, the American 401k system is probably much better than normal pensions because you get to be in control. However, most people are complete idiots when it comes to money, and are easily tricked into dumping their retirement funds into worthless schemes pumped by scammers.

    With normal pensions, everything is taken care of and you can’t even touch your money without going through a maze of rules and protections. With 401ks, you’re on your own.

    There’s also a responsibility component. Many pension plans have preset rates that the company pays into, while many 401k setups involve voluntary contributions. When you’re earning minimum wage, you can’t afford to put any money into a 401k, or maybe you could but you really want to eat out once a month, so you’re taking the extra money for your retirement and spending it right now.

    If bonuses or stock payouts are even an option, a 401k may be the best solution for you. That’s a pretty privileged position to be in, though.

  • Google’s implementation is just a bunch of weird text sent over texts. It’s using the standard as a transport for their own extensions.

    That doesn’t mean other apps can’t communicate with Google’s client. You can’t use Google’s special sauce like encryption (without reverse engineering the details) but you could very well use your own.

    What developers want when they say they want Google to open RCS is for Google to take the RCS code out of their messages app and put it into a standard API, the way SMS and MMS work, so developers don’t need to go through the trouble of implementing RCS and basically be able to use the existing code without changes. That’s a nice idea, but I don’t think it’ll happen any day soon. Google generally doesn’t contribute their closed source stuff back into open source Android. There is one type of RCS authentication that requires interacting with the SIM card, which only privileged (system) apps can do. All other forms of authentication can be implemented by any app. With multiple SIMs, you could even use different apps for different services. However, they’d need to actually implement the RCS spec, which everyone is hoping to avoid.

    iPhones will be able to message Android phones without Google lifting a finger. Flipphones will be able to do it too. Things like video calling, sending money, and stickers can all work, because that stuff works over standard RCS. The lack of encryption is a pain (though I doubt it’d take long for someone to reverse that) but it’s not something existing cross platform texting solutions offer.

    Google Messages is the Microsoft Wordpad of text editing. Pieces of it are open, most of it is composed of public APIs, and it’s no more than a very specific implementation of existing standards.