Librevox was actually where my journey into reading began so yes, ive used it extensively.
It is a great resource for sure but also some readers I absolutely could not stand and would stop listening based on how they read or the way they pronounced stuff that annoyed me. Conversely there are some absolutely great readers on there as well.
This is how I found hat kinds of stories / genres I liked in the first place by just going through their library and listening to random stuff. Finding authors I liked and then bingeing everything I could find of theirs.
I started my journey off with Lovecraft and Edgar Rice Burroughs on there and still go back sometimes and listen to the recordings people have made for librevox. I have a special place in my heart for the caspak trilogy as they were the first books I ever really got into!
I added two alternatives last night -
They both gave me links and worked exactly as torrentio did when working. Maybe give them a try.